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Winters eyes could fool anyone into believing she was an innocent child. The girl was everything but, she felt like a soldier, it's the only thing that made sense to her. She had no bondage with anyone besides Obadiah, and even with that it got cut to a point. There was never anyone she could cling to, so she was hard.

She attempted to rip her wrist from a tight handcuff that got placed on her wrist after she tried to escape the room. It was now raw and near bleeding from her struggles beneath it. Being trapped consumed the mind, closing in and making her feeling utterly consumed and stuck.

With the sickening training she'd been through to being confined in a closed off home, Winter had never felt more trapped than she did in this moment. She was so determined to get the cuff off that her hand might just rip from her strength. The only things that made sense to her was being a fighter, and using technology.

"Someone get the damn cuff off of the girl." Winter heard the eye-patch man curse, before storming away. It didn't stop Winter from still trying to break free, her wrist was now starting to bleed from the force she had while tugging.

"Hold still," The nice security guard grabbed her wrist gently and unlocked the handcuff that was holding her down before leaving the room, and locking the door behind him.

The tile floor made a sticky sound as she made her way to the window, looking in awe out at the town she was in and how nice and ordered the people looked as they walked the streets.

The colors weren't dull, the sun illuminated everything, there were no dark spots anywhere and it was nice to see something different from grey walls that were peeling and orange light coming from lamps.

Picking up her backpack she felt and reached inside of it to find a stack pictures. It was odd to find that they were ones of her growing up, ones she'd couldn't recall ever being taken.

The first few were her as an adorable little girl, full with so much external happiness. A feeling Winter has no memory of, and one doesn't miss due to not remembering.

On the backside of the last photograph it said,

For your Father dear. Neatly signed by Obadiah.

With a light toss the pictures were back inside the backpack and Winter's  idle hands went into her empty pockets. One the other side of the hotel window she heard a noise, one familiar to the sticky sound the floor made when she had walked on it. Unconsciously her hands rose into fists.

A different woman with a clean white suit that glowed walked inside of the room, visibly not looking like a threat so Winter let her fists falter to her sides.

"Winter...that's your name right?" The woman questioned while folding her hands over her stomach, her hair falling forward when she leaned in closer

"Yes." Winters stated clearly, speaking as if she'd never spoken before. Like a child testing out a new word for the first time. Completely void of any emotion behind it, while she turned from the awkward woman to look down on the people in the streets again. They were just fascinating.

"I'm Pepper Potts, I uh," The woman; Pepper was stammering to collect her words, it's not everyday you meet your boyfriends daughter that appears right out of thin air.

Winters head peered over her shoulder with an impatient glare waiting for Pepper to finish her sentence. Could this woman not speak or something? It was times like these where she felt out of place around people, most were very...weird. It didn't help that she didn't have a clue on how to react in social situation neither, which usually ended in complete bluntness.

"You uh, what? Are you another nurse?" Winter asked bluntly, her body turning this time fully to face Pepper, her hands going into her pockets.

"Oh no, I'm here with your father." The not nurses face relaxed as she spoke clearly this time.

"Oh" Winter nodded like the guards had earlier, as she got out and handed Pepper pictures from her backpack. She had to physically clamp the woman's hand around the stack to get her to take them.

"It says they are meant for my Father, and if you're here with him you can give them to him." Winter stared at Pepper blankly for a moment to pass the time since the woman was clearly not that good at speaking.

It was the moment the teens hands touched hers that Pepper could feel the callouses, the rough edges around her fingers. How could this be Tony's kid, it was impossible surely he would've known. If what the nurse told her earlier was positive then Winter had gone though a lot growing up, this had to be an imposture. There was just no way, but when she looked into Winters eyes all she could see was Tony behind them.

Outside of the room Tony was getting yelled at by Nick, hearing the how irresponsible he is speech. One that the playboy has heard one too many times...maybe six.

"How do we even know she's mine?" Tony rose his eyebrows mockingly. Only they didn't lighten the mood as he intended, it only set Fury off even more.

"There are tests, take a look!" Nick threw the papers at Tony's chest, watching him as he read the results.

"Forgery?" Tony gritted his teeth and squinted his eye.

"This isn't a damn joke, you have a child. Now Take care of it," Nick left down the corridor, without the knowledge that the girl could possibly be working for Obadiah.

Tony huffed out loud, spinning around in the office chair he occupied. Puffing his cheeks out and exhaling long before getting up and going to where Pepper was. With his, daughter. He shivered, it felt weird to know he had an offspring. One that he'd seen videos of minutes prior, ones of her being hurt. He hoped they were staged, but knew they probably weren't.

On his way to the room, he bumped into a very jumbled Pepper. She was holding a stack of what looked like pictures in her hand, her eyes met Tony's and she sighed out.

"These are for you," She handed him the stack of pictures.

"Love fan mail," Tony cheered, with his famous smirk.

"It's not from a fan, it came from your daughter. I think," Pepper mumbled out, taking a seat next to Tony as he stayed standing.

Slipping the pictures into his pocket for later, he bent down to Pepper.

"It was all true, the nurse told me. She isn't normal Tony, something's wrong with her," Pepper exclaimed as she gripped onto Tony's comforting hands.

His brows knit together, his heart beginning to race. The familiar feeling of an attack rising up to his throat as he swallowed hard, trying to rid of the feeling. The feeling of fear, the unknown, but mostly the responsibility he was going to have to achieve.

"You should go speak with her," Pepper recommended, with a nod of her head.

"My schedules pretty tight at the moment," Tony stood up placing some jet black sunglasses over his soothing eyes. Retracting his hands from Peppers, and wiping the sweat off on his suit.

"Tony," Peppers voice warning, one that Tony didn't ever want to hear. One that forced him to do the responsible thing.

"Fine, tell Happy to start the car. I guess we're going to house this girl," Tony muttered before walking inside of Winters room swiftly.

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