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Peter and Winter ended up sat at the top of a bridge, feet dangling and a small bag of candy sat shared between them. He went for the eat one at a time and she went for the stuff all you can fit in your mouth tactic.

"You know your Dad saved me once." Peter said out of the blue.

"You're pretty savable I'm not surprised." Winter said though it sounded like a child trying to speak with their mouth full, which it was just without the child part.

"Hey!" Peter pushed her off the bridge.

He shot his web and caught her before she got too far though, and pulled her back up.

"And they call me aggressive." Winter huffs and steals at bag of candy, holding it close to her body now, sitting just a little bit further away from her friend.

"No, but he did save me when I wasn't Spider-Man. I was at his expo, and these crazy killer robots came. Since I was a superfan, I had the helmet and gauntlet toy replicas. I rose my fist up to the robot and Iron Man blasted it away and flew off. Aunt May threw away those toys when we got home too." Peter says.

"At least they didn't push you off a bridge." Winter snarks.

"I'm sorry." Peter emphasizes.

"I just want the chance to prove that I'm not a little kid who needs saving anymore, I know I can do it...I just want him to see that." Peter finishes.

They were about to head back to the Tower when a big circle thingy appeared smack in front of them. Peter pulled his mask back down over his chin, same with Winter.

"Good lord of—" Peter starts.

"...the rings." Winter tried.

Peter turned to her, "Winter, no, just no."

"What is that thing?" Winter stood up now, the screen in front of her eyes enhancing the image of whatever that circle was and reading back unknown object.

"I don't know but it can't be good, Come on." Peter wrapped his arm around Winter and swung them under the bridge and shot straight up into the spinning circle.

The two teens landed in the middle of the ring. It was spinning and spinning fast, red electricity was sparking off the edges and it wasn't moving. It was just spinning, the fact that it came out of nowhere made it not good.

"We need to stop it somehow, maybe there's wires we can bend or a-a code to crack." Peter inspected the ring up and down, that's when Winter realized it was gradually moving up towards the clouds.

"I'm good with tech." Winter pushed past him to a crack in the circle where wires were visible. There were all sorts of colors coming and poking out, all connected in ways she hadn't seen before.

She was stood dumbfound as was Peter, "I-I've never seen anything like this, this is...it's."

"It's gotta be alien tech." Peter concludes.

"Reaching twenty-hundred feet, Tony Stark will be notified in approximately six-hundred more feet." KAREN came in sweetly.

The teens began to panic, the air was harder to breathe in. Peter couldn't swing them down now, it was too high up to catch anything with his webs. They were stuck on the giant alien circle, air depleting and still rising into the air.

Winter couldn't help but go back to when Obadiah painfully flew her high up into the air and dropped her, it was like it was like it was happening all over again.

"O-oh god I cant breathe—" It was Peter who clutched his chest first.

"Alerting Tony Stark." KAREN announced.

Five seconds later Tony's face popped up in the little square on the bottom of their screens.

"Hey kid, I'm kinda busy right now what's up?" Tonys calm voice came through, it sounded like he was flying.

"M-Mr Stark I cant...I cant breathe." Peter wheezed.

"Where are you right now?" Tony became panicked.

"W-Were on top of the the thingy." Winter wheezed this time, stumbling over her feet and falling back on the circle.

"Reaching twenty seven hundred feet." KAREN announced.

Tony could hear the two teens coughing as he was flying to see the alien circle that had appeared in New York minutes ago. He had the worst feeling.

"I-I can't breathe." Peter cried. "I'm taking the mask off."

"Don't do that kid." Tony said. "Just hang on."

"I'm taking mine off too." Winter coughed.

Then the lines went silent.

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