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"This, is Morgan." Tony goes over to this basket on stilts looking object and picks up a baby out of it carefully, and shows Winter. It was in Tony and Peppers room, it looks like Pepper had fallen asleep.

"Wow." Winter gushes, and softly puts her fingers next to the baby's hand, he finds one finger he likes and grips onto it as tight as he can muster. "He's so little."

"He used to be smaller, he's about few months now." Tony says, the same softness in his voice that Winter had.

"He looks like you." Winter comments.

The soft brown eyes were looking up at Winter with so much interest yet also without a care in the world. The little human was just content with holding onto her index finger and moving it around, while he studied her face.

"All the good things I hope." Tony chuckles.

"Yeah..." Winter smiles, and caresses the baby's little hand with her free fingers. Morgan has Tony's eyes, and at first glance it would look like whatever hair he had too was Tony's, but it was a shade over in Peppers corner.

Morgan would grow up and look like Tony without a doubt, but he would have Peppers lighter hair and a possible smile resemblance. Winter couldn't tell yet, but with time it would become more obvious.

"Does he walk?" Winter asks.

"No, not yet. He's still too little, isn't that right squishy?" Tony coos to Morgan who switches focus to their Dad and smiles up at him, squealing a bit.

Winter gently pokes the baby's side, another squeal emits from Morgan.

She nods her head, "He is squishy." She comments.

Tony laughs, and then Morgan yawns.

"Do you want to hold him? He looks like he's about to pass out. Only if you want to of course." Tony offers.

It will be her only chance to ever do so. So why not.

"Sure. I can hold a baby." Winter responds.

"Great." Tony smiles, "Now just hold your arms up like I am-there you go-and I'll just, put him here."

Next thing Winter knew, there was a baby brother in her arms.

"Woah." She gushes, Morgan is so soft and tiny and very squishy. He's like a plum. Winter recalls Bucky saying he liked those at one point.

"H-Hey Morgan, I'm Winter." Winter introduces herself. The baby makes grabby hands and she offers her hand back to him. He takes it and starts to chew on her finger.

"That's not food." She says, frowning. Why would he want to eat her finger.

Morgan yawns again, his eyes start to flutter and he stretches a little bit. Then finally he falls asleep and his hand loses its grip on her finger, as does his mouth.

Winter looks to Tony for help, "What do I do with him now?"

"Here. We can put him back, it is late." Tony takes Morgan back and the warmth of the baby disappears from her chest and cracks her heart a little.

Worth A Million⇝Tony Starks DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now