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Tony had a long discussion with Winter explaining who exactly Wakandans are and what Wakanda is. By long he means a two hour long talk full of confusion, and misinterpretations of the place. Where he went wrong with describing it, he didn't know. All he does know is that his daughter now thinks they're secret aliens that hide out in trees.

She'd wondered off after he'd tried to tell her repeatedly that Wakandans were in fact people who lived in Wakanda and she had disagreed, her mind set on alien people.

After Tony left the room Winter went back to her own, it was on their own floor and on the furthest down the long hall of extra rooms. Hers had a unique style to it, everything anyone had suggested or told her that kids usually had she put up on a shelf or wall. There were trinkets and small toys she'd picked up from small shops when out with an Avenger.

Her favorite one was the one Rhodey had bought her, it had been a gift from him to her as a way for him to make a connection to Winter since she was his best friends daughter and he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, it was a colorful glass fish that had smaller fish inside of it and moved whenever the bigger one did. It was unique and she loved it, so now it sat above her desk.

The curtains were plain black, same with the bedding and desk chair. She'd recently gotten an upgraded computer from Tony which Winter had been spending a lot more time on recently than he'd liked. Other than that, her room was clean and smelt nice. The windows gave an amazing view of the city, and she could people watch like she loved to.

Only thing about the room, the seemingly clean and tucked away room, there was a sheepish secret Winter had hidden inside. Underneath the mattress, between the boards was a small notebook. It was also black. There was also a pen. She grabbed it after closing the door behind her.

Inside was a list of things she learned, and wanted to remember. Simple things such as the nice hot dog guys name to the override codes of the building if she ever needed to, not that she had ever had to in the future, but they were nice to have. Those had been one of the first few things she'd written down. Next after it was explanations to certain feelings and why they were and should be important.

They helped Winter a lot on a day to day basis. It wasn't the list that she believe would, according to her list, get her in trouble, but the packet tucked into the back safely. It was one she'd snatched off the street on a night out and hidden, it was a U.S Military Academy flyer.

Winter didn't just change when she was thrown into this life of fame. Sure, yes, it had changed her life, it gave her a home with friends and a father who cared for her, it just never took away all those years of fight training from her. All those skills were still there, and the built up energy she always had usually came out when she dared to spar with Natasha. In the past year it hadn't been enough for Winter.

She was born to fight, and she most importantly wanted to help. Now more than ever. Winter knew that Tony had built her a suit too, she had never seen it nor had he ever mentioned it but she'd heard him talking down the hall to Rhodey one night when the man came over about it.

From what she knew, it was protective and had boosters.

Winter wanted, needed to help with this fight. Peter was right, Tony's decision was stupid because they can help the Avengers and the Wakandans. Maybe just maybe Rhodey could help her get into the fight.

The door behind her swing open. Winter slammed her notebook shut and stuff it under her blankets.

"Hey...gosh I am so just urgh. Do you ever feel that way? Because that's how I feel right now." Peter walked in, closed the door behind him and hung upside down on the ceiling making his hair fall.

"I don't think I've learned the emotion, urgh, so no? I don't know what you're feeling, sorry Peter." Winter apologized.

"Nah it's fine. It's kinda, well it's kinda like when you're annoyed and bored but also amped up at the same time. Like I feel totally fine right now, I just want to to do something." He admitted with various hand gestures.

"You mean frustrated?" Winter offered.

"Yes! That's it, I'm frustrated." Peter confirmed.

"Which kind?"

"What'dya mean which kind?"

"Well there's too kinds, angry frustrated and sexually frustrated so...?" Winter rose a brow.

Peter fell off the ceiling.

"I-what do you–me? I-I no, Winter to clarify I am just frustrated that we can't help in this, this fight! I mean we're not kids, and we can handle our own just fine." Peter said.

"I'm angry frustrated too then." She sighed, swinging her legs off her bed.

"What if we...just do it anyway?" He asked.

"Do what exactly?"


"It's in space, Peter." Winter said dumbly.

"Exactly why I want to be up there, I-It can be for a science project. There, that'll be my excuse if they ask me why I'm there. And also to save the world, especially to save the world. I'll lead with that." He said.

"Okay...how will we get there? We don't even know where they're going." Winter realized.

"We're just going to have to wait until we see a signal or something."

"You have a suit." Winter said.

"I do. Oh right! You're gonna need something, I think I still have my old Spidey suit if you wanna—"

"I have a suit. It hasn't been given to me yet, right JARVIS?" Winter said.

"It is correct that Sir has built you a suit, it is only precautionary and designed for future usage." JARVIS answered hesitantly.

"See?" Winter turned to Peter.

"Huh. I guess we're just going to have to get it then. Let's try this first though—JARVIS could Winter possibly have this suit that Mr. Stark has now?" Peter asked.

"That is a negative Mr. Parker, there have even been protocols in place Incase of this exact situation. I advise you both to go back to the communal floor." JARVIS said, but they'd already reached the elevator and were on their way to the bottom level where everyone's equipment and armor were.

"Sorry JARVIS, I hate to do this to you, but applesauce."

"Shutting off further elevator logs and security until advised in the future." JARVIS responded robotically.

Winter smiled, it was always the simplest passwords or voice activators.

"What did you do? That was awesome!" Peter exclaimed as they walked straight into the armor level and through all the gear.

"I just shut JARIVS off for a little while while we get this suit." Winter responded already searching.

"What if we get caught?" He asked now suddenly sheepish?

"We won't, nobody comes down here anymore. Not even my Dad, he just builds it all and whatever doesn't get finished or has been upgraded to a better version stays here. I think the suits only here because it's hidden better." She explained, stumbling upon a glass case.

Peter tripped into her, "Sorry." He mumbled, following her gaze and looking the glass up and down. "Woah."

"This is gonna be so much fun."

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