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Winter had always grown up to fight. To ward off the oncoming attacker and to think the fastest, always be one step ahead. She'd learned that from Obadiah, that you always needed to have a move before your opponent could even think of their own action.

She wished for nothing more than to have stayed in the car. If she'd of just listened to Tony, she wouldn't be struggling for breath in the grip of her previous caretaker. But. There had been the little girl in that burning building, and that was enough to make all of her disobedience worth it.

Now. Flying inside of the clouds, struggling for breath with the climbing altitude and death grip around her body, Winter Stark was terrified of what was to come. There was no, move or step ahead of him. All there was, is the fact that they were still going up. And everything still hurt.

"O-Obadiah, please...let go." She struggled.

He didn't budge. They were still climbing in height.

"Why are you doing this?" It was meant to sound strong, and demanding, but only passed as a whimper from Winter.

Seeming satisfied with the height Obadiah stopped, and he really looked her in the eye. He looked sad almost, Winter almost pitied him but she knew what he did...what he does. So she didn't.

"For so long all I have wanted was revenge, to have the greatness that Tony possesses with his suits. In him I see what I have failed to accomplish, and in you I see the future. And that's why I am doing this, god forgive me." Obadiah concluded his speech, and in a moments glance she saw him look to a button on his metal glove.

It was red. Red was never good.

Obadiah pressed the button and exploded. The suit was demolished and turn to ash the second he pressed it. He was finally dead. Gone forever.

Unfortunately for Winter the blast burned as shrapnel pierced her skin, the heat, the falling the pop, pop, popping of her ears as she went sent her into a panic and knocked her out cold.

Everything was a blur the moment Obadiah had smacked him like a rag doll. His suit quickly redeemed itself by switching on its thrusters. Trying to locate his ex friend was not a pretty sight when he saw his daughter being squeezed in his obadiahs hand.

By the time Tonys suit was able to charge back up to get into the air, Winter was already falling too close to the ground. He wasn't going to be make it in time. She was going to fall and splat across the concrete. God why does nobody ever listen to him. If he says to stay in the car, STAY IN THE DAMN CAR.

"What do we do?!" Spider-Man yelled through the com, only adding to the stress the man had on his plate already.

"Someone needs to catch Winter, and someone needs to make sure that shrapnel doesn't damage anymore of the city. Clint you and I will work on the pieces." Natasha ordered through the coms.

"Would someone catch my daughter before I have a heart attack." Tony shuddered unable to look away from the sight.

"I'm on it Mr. Stark!" Good ol Spidey, always so reliable. Peter climbed up the side of a building in a blur and disappeared.

Tony didn't respond and tapped his fingers against his suit.

"Sir, repulsers are back at full capacity and are ready for usage." JARVIS came through the com that was only available for Tony.

"About damn time." He went to shoot off when Natasha's voice stopped him.

"Tony we need your help getting all the loose pieces, some landed messier than others. It doesn't look like there's any civilians but Clint and I don't have heat indicators like you do." There was a pause, "I know you're worried, but let Spider-Man handle it."

Unsure, Tony listened to Natasha. Despite his insides nagging him and telling him he needed to go to Winter. That she wasn't alive and breathing until he saw her with his own eyes. But she would be fine right? He trusted Peter back in Germany, there wasn't a reason not to back here in New York. Focus. There were debris scattered everywhere, some larger than others. One part had crashed into part of a rooftop, that had to have been the main part of the armor.

He let himself not think about the situation. It was just. Lift, pull, throw. Lift. Pull. Throw. Everything was going well between him, Natasha, and Clint. They were all okay and they'd even come to save him, so they couldn't be that bad right? They were still his friends, or he so badly wanted to believe that.

"O-Oh...what do I—are...y-...s're? It's...not, working! Oh shit oh shit, Mr Starks going to kill me." Peters com came in scratched and glitchy. It sounded like he was panicking, why would tony have any reason to kill him.

"C'm on! Cap, it ain't working." Sometimes Tony wished he'd never brought the kid into all of this.

Then he remember exactly what Peters mission was. To save Tony's kid.

"Spidey? Damnit! Come in, Peter?" Tony tried to sound unfazed but there was a waiver in his voice that gave him away.

It seemed like his suit couldn't fly any slower. Spider-Man was already located on his gps and he was flying just around the building where he remembered Winter falling in the distance of. He hoped he wasn't too late, or that Peter was too late—

Tony nearly had a heart attack upon arrival.

Peter was doing compressions on his daughter, giving the occasional mouth to mouth to breathe into her lungs. Even from here Tony could see him panicking, Hell he was probably having a panic attack himself.

"Move! Move damnit!" Tony climbed out of his armor and rushed to his daughter where Peter was already word vomiting nonsense.

"Mr. Stark I am so sorry. I caught her, but when we landed she just wasn't breathing. I've been trying to—." 

"Stop talking. JARVIS get me the detachable defibrillators from my suit please." Tony was desperate. It was hard to breathe. He was outside yet felt so confined and trapped inside his own body.

"Yes, Sir." Even JARVIS knew this wasn't going well.

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