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"There is no home, I just live"

"Tony?" Peppers voice cracked with emotion. This, his daughter being sprung on him suddenly. It rose questions if he knew about it.

"That's my name, don't wear it out," Tony replied from the basement, where he's been spending the past weeks in.

"We have to go meet up with Nick Fury at the head quarters," Pepper awaited him at the peak of the stairs that led down to the basement.

She heard the booming sound of a tool being dropped, making her jump in place from the suddenness.

"I'm busy," Tony excused himself, starting to feel anxiety build up in his chest. Making it hard to concentrate, if Fury wanted something Tony wanted nothing to do with it.

"It's important," Pepper went on, crossing her fingers together.

"Then it'll be important, later," Tony always had an easy time getting out of stuff, but even since Pepper came around she's been keeping him in check.

Pepper took a deep inhale, "Tony now! We have to go."

The tone in her voice showed she wasn't joking around, something must be serious enough to make Pepper become like this.

Tony set down his tools, and head set. Shutting down his work, and telling J.A.R.V.I.S. to lock down the garage.

"Hi honey," Tony smiled sweetly at his girlfriend, like she hadn't just been yelling at him. His attitude something she despised, and loved.

"Car. Now," Pepper wasn't in the mood for jokes, not when Tony was now a father. Before her he was always carelessly having one night stands, well look at him now. A father.

Cautiously Tony slid into the back of the limo with Pepper, having Happy driving them. Tony was curious why they were going back, his mind thinking of the worst. Of having to possibly fight aliens again, or to put himself in the grip of death.

Tony's clear glass phone buzzed, implying he'd gotten a message. A message from an intractable number. Sliding it open, it revealed a picture of a baby.

The baby had a small nose, rosy cheeks and pecan-like eyes similar to his. Only Tony didn't make out that connection, he was rather confused as to why someone was sending him a baby picture.

Putting it off as nothing, Tony put his phone away. Only as soon as it went into his pocket, it buzzed again. With another picture.

This time the baby looked to be one or two years old, walking, reaching out with a goofy gum less smile. A teddy bear could be seen off to the side, one Tony recognized.

He squinted his eyes and zoomed in on it, telling J.A.R.V.I.S to tell him what he did back in 1999 the day of a town festival. All while Pepper eyed him, and watched the screens that came off of Tony's phone.

The machine told him he was with a woman, like usual back in his days of hardcore partying. They were at a fair where Tony had won her a stuffed animal, a bear. Before taking her home for the night.

The summary making Pepper scoff and hold her head in her palm. Knowing well what this was about. She was more surprised that he'd actually remembered it, something was definitely clicking.

Next a video popped up on his screen, featuring what he presumed to be the same little girl. Older, but still young. She was fighting older men, Tony watched in horror as her back got slashed open over and over with out a break as the little girl wasn't fast enough to defend herself. The video ended with the little girl crying on the ground.

"What is this?" Tony whispered to himself, starting to think that something was wrong.

A longer video came up, he couldn't turn it off. He was forced to watch.

The girl no older than ten, had her own self-defense sticks. This time fighting the men off, and being swifter. Every time her back or front would get lashed, she'd huff in anger and not pain. This time at the end it showed her being praised by a man, him handing her a water bottle and a rag. Patting the girl on the head, he looked familiar.

"J.A.R.V.I.S?" Tony called out.

"Yes sir?" The robotic voice called back.

"Facial recognition on the man I've selected, please," Tony had a bad feeling in he pit of his stomach, a feeling he only got when he was in the wormhole. Fear.

"Sir...facial recognition shows that the man's name is Mr. Obadiah Stane."

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