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The two Starks stood standing there staring at each other in the living room for the longest time, up to the point Winter felt for the first time awkward.

"So, um, I can just go back up to the room if you want. Peppers there and I snuck away to come down here, she hugs really tight." Winter commented, being the first one to speak, Tony stood still, trying to comprehend that his daughter had gotten back all on her own, not needing him to find her.

"Wait," Tony stopped her before she could go further up the steps, "You said Peppers up there? She knew and didn't tell me?" His voice growing frustrated as his brain seemed to be functioning again.

"Well, yeah. Didn't wanna wake you from sleeping, she said you were sleeping." Winter recalled slowly.

"I was!" Tony said, running his hand through his fluffy hair for comfort, taking a swig from the brown bottle he held in his hand.

"Now you're awake, and angry?" Winter came back down the steps to face Tony, he was taller but she managed to not let herself become intimidated by that.

"How did you even get away? Where were you?" Tony said, the angry tone he used didn't seem directed at Winter but at the subject.


"Of course." Tony muttered, "Oh, by all means carry on." He drank longly from his bottle, almost emptying it.

"A man helped me with a car, it wasn't too far and that JARVIS man helped too, he was in the car I brought." Winter explained, subconsciously rubbing her hand over her neck where Obadiah had stuck a needle.

It was barely noticeable but there was a slight bump where he'd pushed the needle in, of course it could've just been a sedative and Winter knew that but there was this odd ache in her bones every time she moved or used them.

It must've been from being in a bed long did Pepper say she'd been gone, two weeks. Winter blamed it on that, which wasn't smart.

"I'm glad you're back." Tony said without any comment to Winters previous statement. Honestly he was happy that she was back and safe, especially unharmed that he could tell.

If he wasn't half drunk he probably wouldn't have gone to hug her like he did, it took a few moments for both of them to hold and squeeze each other but when they did. They both felt safe.

"Pepper tried to hit me with a bat." Winter mumbled into Tony's chest.

"She did what now?" He chuckled obnoxiously loud and wholeheartedly.

"I came in through the garage and she said she though I was an, intruder so she grabbed a bat and tried to hit me. She did though, I managed to steal it from her before she could." Winter smiled solemnly.

"That's good, kid." Tony relieved himself from the hug, on his way down to his shop, leaving the teen standing in the living room. He stopped mid-step.

"Hey, you wouldn't want to, uh, help me with something, would ya?" Tony cringed at how soft he spoke his words, the bright smile across Winters face blew his insecurity away when she came scurrying up behind him.

"I'd enjoy that." She jumped down the steps behind him.

Worth A Million⇝Tony Starks DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now