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"So, this it it"

How Tony walked so quickly into Winters room, startled her for a split-second making her twitch in place. He wore a grey suit and tie, his hair seemed to be sticking up with some sort of gel. The sunglasses he wore, hiding him from having to look her in the eyes.

"I guess I'm your Dad," Tony sighed out, rubbing his temple awkwardly. It's not everyday you introduce yourself to your daughter.

"I️ know guessing isn't an accurate assumption, Do you not know?" Winter asked bluntly, taking a step forward to Tony.

"I mean yeah, I do know. It's just something people say, when they know," Tony covered for himself, and looked around the room bored. His eyes examining her features, Winters cheek was cut up it looked painful, her clothes seemed new and her eyes resembled his completely. The only thing he couldn't comprehend was her lack of emotion.

"That's confusing." Winter mumbled while nodding her head, she'd been around so many new people it was a lot to take it. Especially being away from society her whole life, it's hard to be thrown with out warning into situations you've hardly experienced.

"Welp! Grab your things, we're going home," Tony rose a finger in the air trying to make her laugh, but his comedic act was shut down by Winter when she returned with a glare stare.

"I don't...have a home?" Winter's face frowned with confusion as she crossed her arms.

"Of course not, but as they say mi casa es su casa, vamanos!" Tony waved a finger in the air, again and expected Winter to follow.

Once Tony reached the limo he looked behind him, confused as to where his daughter went. She wasn't following him this whole time?

In Winters defense she didn't take hints very well, and didn't understand sarcasm very well. She still stood in the room she was held in, just as Tony came rushing back in.

"Let's go!" Tony waved outside, urging her to follow.

Winter grabbed her backpack, slinging it on along with her hood. It made her feel secure when she wore it, like nothing could hurt her. If something did, then she'd hurt it back.

She followed Tony inside the limo, sitting across from Pepper and Tony as Happy drove them back to the mansion. Everyone sat awkwardly in the limo, everyone except Winter. Winter sat in the leather seat, letting her body sink into it. Watching out the window, seeing the blurs of colors as they passed.

Winter was always content with situations, unless they were life threatening. She loved to sit in peace and quiet, fiddling with her thumbs.

Tony held the same blank stare behind his glasses that Winter did, his mouth loosely hung open as he watched his daughter. It was like something foreign glowing in front of him, an instant bond that he didn't want to be responsible for.

He'd noticed that she never second guessed anything, and was always straight to the point.

When the limo pulled up to the mansion, Winter couldn't help the shine that fell upon her eyes. She'd never seen such a big house, it was amazing.

"Pretty cool huh?" Tony laughed as he got out of the car, walking into the house. Not waiting to keep the door open for anyone, but himself.

"It's nice," Winter commented as she got out, Miami wind smacking her across the face. It was humid air, making her feel flushed.

As Winter walked inside Tony's mansion, she was immediately bombarded by loud alarms. Ones so loud she grabbed at her ears, never having heard these sounds she felt fear creeping up her spine. She groaned out in pain, almost in a whimper.

Tony came up from his garage, the alarms he forgot to disable were blaring and he could see his daughter in the corner holding her ears and whimpering.

He moved his arms signaling to his wireless security system, shutting down the alarms and rushing to his daughter. Trying to pry her hands from the sides of her face, but he couldn't seem to. Uncontrollably she kept breathing out scared, similar to the panic attacks that he'd been getting lately.

Tony tried to pull her in for a hug, but she kept wriggling out of his grip. Never have been hugged before, she felt on edge. Going to her dark place, and her face fell remembering everything she'd been put through.

Abruptly she stood up, acting completely normal again. Tony stared up at the girl, confused as to how she could drop her emotions behind.

Winter started to look around intrigued by the house, her chest still held that fear.

"J.A.R.V.I.S?" Tony asked the house.

"Yes sir?" The robotic voice replied.

"Don't ever set off the alarm systems. Put Winter Stark in them. Immediately," Tony bossed the robot around, entirely pissed off by what just happened.

"Sorry about that sir, she's been implemented in," J.A.R.V.I.S. replied.

"Let me show you to your room, kid," Tony waved Winter up the spiraling stairs, making sure that she followed him this time.

Winter followed her father up the stairs, them seemingly going on forever. Until Tony stopped at a steel door, opening it and sarcastically motioning inside.

"This is where you'll be occupying space, enjoy, don't drink, get pregnant or do drugs," Tony spoke before shutting the door on his way out, leaving Winter alone to explore her new room.

The room was like a giant hotel room, with a soft looking bed twice the size she was used to. Setting her backpack carelessly on a nearby chair, going towards the window. The feeling of being watched still lingered with her.

She was right, from the garage Tony had set up a tab and was watching Winter. He knew it was wrong but he had to know if she was a spy, and most importantly if his daughter was okay.

Winter turned and look directly into the camera watching her, making. Tony catch his breath waiting to see if she actually noticed it. Which she did.

Winter's lips creased into a thin line, going straight for the wires the hidden camera had. Pulling the cord, cutting the connection.

Walking back to her window, Winter got the sense of adventure. She wanted to venture the town with all the people in it. She cut the security in her room, without a second thought and opened her window. Slipping out the window and walking into the city, without a trace that she'd left.

Worth A Million⇝Tony Starks DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now