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"Wha–What do you mean, you're just kidding right, Mr. Stark?" Peter stuttered.

Winter equally confused folder her arms and waited her father out for a response, already analyzing his being to see if there was anything off with him. Since Tony hid his emotions well, she could only detect him being tense under their awaiting looks.

He motioned for them to follow him down into his lab, nothing spoken just a glance every two seconds back to make sure they were still following him.

"I I was just joking, I didn't actually think that he would say that. Is this just to world using my own words against me now, next thing you know that conversation I had with Ned about zombies will come true!" Peter whispered.

"Peter, honestly that won't happen. Zombies are awkward and gross from the movies Clint's showed me, that'd just be a disappointment to society." Winter said back.

"Zombies are totally not lame, you're lame." He huffed.

"No I'm not." She responded.

"Yeah you're right, shut up."

"Children please, for once zip it shut. For my sake and–no just for my sake, it's tedious and annoying the constant blah blah blah-ing. This is serious, now sit." Tony all but shoved them into the couch, taking a seat himself across from them on the table.

"The worlds not ending, I just heard you two when I heard the elevator open. Parker your voice just has this habit of bouncing off the walls, and I have this habit of always using it to my advantage." Tony continued.

Peter threw his arms up and let them fall.

Winter was still fully focused on what her father had to say, from the looks of it he wasn't finished.

"Though technically the world is not ending now, it soon will be. Or rather be under attack by aliens again, this time lead by a Titan who wields a gauntlet. That gauntlet has six slots for six stones—"

"Like the one in Visions Head." Winter noted.

"Exactly Like that, when–if–he gets all five there will be no stopping him from taking earth. I'm only telling you guys this because I have to go with the team to space with the Wakandans to face the problem so it doesn't reach back home, and I need you two to stay here."

"You can't actually expect us to stay here—" Peter burst.

"I can and I do Mr. Parker—"

"—What are Wakandans Dad—" Winter tried.

"—No offense Mr. Stark but this is ridiculous, I can help!—"

"—You both can help by keeping your asses down on Earth—" Tony tried to answer.

"—I'm coming either way, I can't just sit back and do nothing!" Peter yelled.

"—Well If Peters going I want to go too—" Winter decided.

"ENOUGH!" Tony screamed, standing up once and for all to silence the two teenagers before him who had also risen in the midst of their argument.

"There will be no space travel for either one of you, that's final. You're both just kids, you don't need to fight this battle."

"This battle you talk about, you say it like there's going to be a next one after it. Well what if you lose and there was something I could've done? Then that's on me Mr. Stark, I am sorry but you're making the wrong decision here." Peter shook his head and left the room in a fit.

"And what about you? Anything you want to say to me Winter?" Tony turned to her looking tired.

Winter shuffled on her feet, there was a lot to take in from what had just happened. She also didn't want to 'betray' her friend and side with Tony, because she also thought he was wrong too. They may be viewed as kids to the world, but they were 17 and they could and have been very well trained to fight. And fighting a battle in space would be really neat, there was just one thing that seemed to outweigh all of that in her mind.

"Dad?" She asked in a whisper.

"Hm?" He responded.

"What are Wakandans are they aliens or something?"

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