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"Y-Your what?" Tony asked, stunned. His eyes kept flitting from Peppers stomach then back to her eyes repeatedly.

She tilted her head to the side, cupping his left cheek, and repeated, "I'm pregnant, Tony."

Pepper dropped her hand and stood up, he watched her as she paced the carpet in front of the tv, "I was so worried that it'd just disappear like everything else, but the doctors checked me out, and it's fine. Our baby is still alive."

Tony could count the amount of times they have had fights over him wanting kids, and Pepper saying that she did not want to impose her hectic life style onto a newborn. How they were both so busy all the time, and then him swearing that he has and would make the time for it. He had learned so much by just working and parenting Winter, he wanted to expand his world by one, with Pepper, so all three of them could have a bigger family.

But when the fights started, Tony got less and less hopeful that the dream of having another kid was likely, and Pepper dove more into her work if possible. It was when he started having Peter over more, him and Winter got along great and could both handle each other's strength in a spar match. To lose them both one after the other, right in his arms burnt out any hope for well...anything.

"I thought you said you didn't..." He shook his head, trying to comprehend it, he was going to be a father again, but without his entire family there like he wanted, and he did not know how okay he felt about that.

"I know, I said I didn't want one, but Tony, now we've got one, and it's going to be here sooner than you think." Pepper said, running a hand through her hair as she paced even faster.

Winter had come sooner than he thought. Tony did not even think she would come into his life at all. She is so much different from when he first spoke to her, and along the way he has changed too, in good ways he hopes.

"I guess I'm your Dad." Tony sighed and gave his temple an awkward rub, as he looked at the girl standing in front of him in the hospital room. It was not everyday you introduce yourself to your own daughter.

"I️ know guessing isn't an accurate assumption, Do you not know?" She asked back so bluntly that Tony wanted to laugh, and take it as her humor. Only she was serious, and he knew right then that he was going to be on a rollercoaster with this kid.

Pepper still paced, she was looking at him he could feel her eyes on his, just watching him, waiting for him to say something else. He could not find the words to.

"Tony say something, please." Pepper pleaded.

Tony shook his head, eyebrows raising as he continue to look at his hands, they were long since washed away of the..dust..but he could still feel the life vanishing between his fingers. His calloused work hands; a constant reminder that he did not die but his kid did right on them.

"Pepper, I...don't know what to say." He responded truthfully.

He could feel Peppers hesitation as her feet stopped pacing, "I have a picture, do you want to see?"

Tony could not respond. So Pepper took out a picture, flipped it over and left it on the table in front of him.

"I'm going to go lay down for a bit, please come to bed tonight." Her hands went through his hair once, and then she walked away, he heard a door shut.

Worth A Million⇝Tony Starks DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now