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Winter did not go back to the house after she left it a week ago. The people that resided in it came and checked on her, in her place in the ginormous town center building, but none ever stayed. She was too focused to even bother with them anyway.

Doctor Strange was in there too. All he did was sit off on his own, in the peace that settled between them, like he did not even care about getting out. His cape did not require technology so here in the stone it still worked, and it kept flying in Winters face and bothering her.

As it swept around for the fifth time in the past five minutes, hitting the side of her head and then flying up out of reach once it resized it had been spotted and Winter had a problem with it.

"I swear, if that thing hits me again I'm going to cut it." Winter threatened, head falling back out of her book to look at Strange.

"With what weapon? You came with none, I don't see that being a possibility in the near future. Plus, it's not a thing, it's a cloak." Strange replied.

Winter's glare fell unnoticed, she let out an indignant huff and returned her focus back on to the large book on her lap, and adjusted herself on the chair she was sat in.

The book served information about everything.

It began simply by laying out the details of each of the infinity stones, all their powers and how each one could be used for good and bad. It was like a fairytale, there was always going to be a bad outcome for the one who decided that they were above everyone else and tried to use the power not for the greatness of the people, but rather for the use of their selfish yearnings.

Winter read on and on about them, all the information getting soaked up by her brain, she was a relatively fast reader who got important facts stuck in her memory leaving everything else to fall out that was not of immediate relevance.

The soul stone was the one that came last.

It read that if used properly, only those who had been sacrificed would not be punished but cherished and showered in the magnificence of all their dreams here in the stone. But if the stone were to be damaged or used incorrectly, then all the ones who were sacrificed would be burdened with the knowledge of their coming to, forever, unless it could be reversed.

The only way to reverse the effects of a damaged usage, the only way to get everyone home was to sacrifice a loved one for the stone in order to receive it and reverse everything.

So no matter what. It demanded a sacrifice.

It took a sacrifice to receive the stone, and it was going to need one to get everyone out too.

"You said that there was a plan?" Winter said, raising a brow above her book, pausing her place in the middle of the description of the soul stone.

Strange took a few moments of silence, exhaled and responded with, "Yes."

"Well are we still...on schedule?" Winter asked, the man had said it was crucial to not share much information on the plan as it may affect the outcome.

Strange gave her a pointed look, "If I told you, then I wouldn't exactly be keeping it a secret, now would I."

"What is one person knowing just a small amount of the plan going to do?" Winter pinched her fingers together.

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