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"Morgan! Peter is coming in ten minutes, he's taking you to soccer practice, you better have all your stuff ready or–" Tony calls from the living room.

"Or I'll be webbed to the ceiling again. Yes I know!" Morgan responds.

"Good! Peters going to be here in five so be ready because your mom and I have to leave as soon as you do." Tony says.

He's fiddling with a new design for Peters we shooters, Morgan really wants to impress the man that has been like his brother and a neighborhood hero for so long by making him a new design that would blow his mind.

"Got it!" Morgan shouted back.

Morgan just needed a place to hide his design, because Tony already knows where all of his hiding spots in the room. He looks around the room for a good spot, under the bed didn't work last time and that's how his Dad found out about what his Father's Day gift was going to be last year. The closet was too messy to deal with and there just were no good spots in his desk.

"Uh, uh." Morgan looks around, the floors not good, in his backpack not good; it'll get crushed in there.

Finally he looks up, why had he never done that before! Morgan spots a small ceiling vent above his desk.

"Perfect." He whispers. His plans were not going to be spoiled this time around, he was going to keep them secret until they were ready.

Morgan without another thought for up on top of his desk, not caring for his English assignment laying on top of it that was getting crushed by his cleats. He goes to open it when he notices that it already looks like it had been messed with. Maybe his Dad has already found this spot, but it's not like he'd look here twice right?

The teenager shrugs it off and opens the vent, good it's small, uncle Clint won't be able to find it either, Morgan takes his design and puts his hand in the vent with it but he feels something already there. Frowning, Morgan drops his design inside and slides out what appears to be an old journal from inside.

"Weird." He comments, looking it over back and front. Morgan closes the vent up and takes the journal with him back to the floor.

He takes a seat on his bed and opens it, no harm in reading something that was old right? Besides it was his room, he was entitled.

Morgan opens the journal, and on the first page he sees extremely messy handwriting, like so bad that it wouldn't even be accepted by his teachers if he had tried to turn something in like this, but the page mostly describes emotion. It belonged to someone, it seemed like it was someone confused or lost. He wasn't really sure.

The second led on to talk about people, Hotdog guy is named Gary. That made Morgan chuckle, he knew that guys son, they were friends. He kept reading entranced In this persons notes, it was a whole life hack to people of New York, and who they were. The section led onto his Dad, and it's where Morgan started to grow confused.

His fingers ran against the writing that had his brain trying to find a solution, -Tony is a good Dad...-I love my Dad, But i haven't told him yet, it's not time?

Did his Mom and Dad have another kid before him. Maybe they just never told Morgan before, something might've happened to whoever this person was. Something so bad that his parents couldn't share it with him. The thought saddened him, he had a very open relationship with both of them and Morgan thought that by now they would have told him about this.

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