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It's not what it looks like, it wasn't even their fault, really. They totally hadn't, accidentally, maybe, possibly, got into a sparring match with the teenager—who was totally, totally, not, bleeding and unconscious on the floor.

"I told you it was a bad idea, Clint." Natasha shook her head, while she had her entire focus on Tony's daughter who they hadn't dared to move.

"Well yeah, No kidding, I️ thought maybe I'd pull my punches—and well, you saw Nat! She totally went to kick my dick, I had to defend myself." Clint sighed, rubbing the back of his neck while realizing how stupid of a reason that sounded.

"Ugh," Winter groaned underneath them. They both looked down as she came to.

"Hey kid, how you feelin'?" Clint said through a choked off laugh.

The girl was blinking so widely her eyeballs looked like they were going to come out! Who was he to not think that looked even the slightest bit hilarious.

"Like someone overhanded me." She mumbled while she sat up.

Her clothes were more wrinkled than last night and her jacket was long ago tossed away to the side.

Clint gave Natasha an awkward smile.

"Let's get you up." He said.

Clint grabbed Winter underneath her arms and to her feet. She surprisingly recovered very fast from the unconscious blowing hit. After her over-exaggerated eye blinking she seemed like she was back to normal.

"I'm good, I'm good, well maybe you're better but who am I to say—that was a cheap move." Winter complained after he seated them on a bench.

"Sorry bout that, I didn't mean to knock you unconscious. At least you're not bleeding or anything, Tony'd have me by the balls if anything happened." Clint checked out her head, moving it side to side.

Off in the back Natasha was working on her hand to hand combat skills with Sam who was getting his ass handed to him. BAM. That makes it the third time now that he's gone down now. Clint can't help but chuckle over his shoulder at the two. So stupid to think you could take Nat.

"She's really good." Winter pointed out, she was now leaning her elbows on her knees to watch the training.

"Yeah she really is." Clint repeated, a faint smile forming when Sam went down on the mat for a fourth time.

Then Clint turned to an empty mat, then looked at the teen next to him who was watching in awe at Natasha and Same, he got an idea. Probably another stupid idea, but it sounds good in his head right now.

"Wanna go hand-to-hand with me? I promise I'll do my best to not knock you out this time. Come on it'll be fun." He stood up and held his hand out, making a grabbing motion.

When Winter looked up at him all he could see was Tony, and it was odd, there was a miniature freaking Stark standing in front of him. An offspring of the most sarcastic man he knew, yet instead of remarking and turning on his heel his kid nodded and took his hand to stand up.

"Yeah, I'll go hand-to-hand, my sp-eciali-ty. I cant promise that you'll win though." Ah, there was the tinge of sass.

Clint scoffed, he could play too.

"Oh really? Because I am quite actually a real life special agent. If you think you'll win you must be dreaming sister." Clint got a laugh out of the girl as they stood facing each other on the mat.

Winter shook her head with a top-toothed smile. Then she raised her hands when he did, she seemed to follow other people's actions or copy their words.

"Alright you ready kid? Three, two, one."

Clint threw the first punch, it was held back of course. He wasn't actually going to go full agent mode on a teenager for crying out loud! But when she dodged it with a side step to the back and ended up landing a good punch to his stomach that he was impressed.

"Oh boy...really got me good there." Clint went for another punch, this time towards her shoulder, but this time when she dodged and went for another abdomen shot that he jumped back and swooped his feet underneath her own causing her to fall flat on her back, hitting her head hard against the not so soft mat on the way down.

Her eyes closed and Clint thought he'd knocked the poor kid out, again.

Hurriedly he turned around and called out to Natasha. "I think I knocked her out again!"

Nat turned and looked at the two, but smiled faintly while still in her 'fight' with Sam. Clint's brows furrowed together but not only did he realize why she smiled was until he was facing the ceiling, flat on his back, the wind knocked out of him.

"I win." Winter came into view with a breathy smile.

"You sneaky little bastard." Clint joked, himself being completely out of air.

"Hey, I told you I'd win and distraction is always the way to get your opponent down. Wanna try again, I hear that saying people say, like, uhm—second times a charm, or was it the third? I cant remember." Winter rambled, reminding Clint so much of Tony whenever he used to make small adjustments to their armor and come to them with excitement. That gleam of normalcy behind his exterior, the one the team had gotten to know before the 'Civil War'.

"Damn right I'm gonna try again, and this time  I'm going to win." Clint stood up and pointed to himself. Shrugging off all the nasty memories he was having.

"I don't doubt you will." Winter said sarcastically her head rolling.

"Is that a challenge? Because I can knock you flat on your ass right now." Clint fired back.

Winter just shrugged and then they went at it again. They did many matches after the second one. They were pretty much tied with wins and loses, long ago forgetting the time and just having fun with getting in punches that the other didn't expect. There were bound to be small bruises on their faces and bodies the next morning.

Although there's already a clear one forming just above Winters eyebrow from when Clint knocked her out (accidentally).

When JARVIS called out to them for dinner is when they realized that they'd been going at it for hours and how much their muscles were beginning to turn sore.

Winter loved the feeling, it reminded her that she still had what it took to fight someone. Even if that someone loved to badmouth while they fought, it was fun, and funny, Clint seemed like a cool guy. The amount of bonding you can do after a dude knocks you out for a couple moments.

She made sure to stay clear of Natasha though, that woman seemed like she'd knock her down the second she stepped on her mat. But she seemed less and less intimidating as they all crammed into an elevator up, and she was cracking jokes at Clint.

The entire day Winter didn't even think about Tony. She just had fun doing something that made her feel entirely normal, he was probably working with Fury anyways. It was getting hard to understand why Tony didn't trust these people completely, they seemed completely inviting and nice to Winter.

Stepping out of the elevator they were greeted by Steve who looked showered and in new clothes, Winter vaguely remembers meeting him that morning. So That's where the blanket came from. He smiled in greeting while grabbing his plate of food and heading to the living room.

"You guys all need to take a shower." He commented.

"No shit Sherlock." Clint said while rolling his eyes.

"That sounds funny." Winter's laugh was contagious, it started out as small from hearing the reference she had barely learned to full on laughing because everyone else began to too.

"I like this kid, come on I'll show you where your room is. I'm sure you've got some clothes in your bag there, if not I'll just find you some of my oldests that he's left here." Clint began to lead her away, Natasha and Sam splitting off to their own rooms to shower as well.

Dropping her off at a new door Clint opened it and gave her a tiny push inside after she said she had clothes to change into.

It was new, and exciting. She could totally get used to living in this techy room.

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