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The man with the metal arm, he introduced himself as Bucky. He sat down next to Winter and started to explain to her that whatever Obadiah had given to her was a drug it caused a overwhelming sensation of anxiety, really, all it was doing was overloading her system with feelings she hadn't ever felt before.

It made sense actually. She'd recently learned what lying purposefully was, come to think of it she'd been doing a lot of that with Pepper lately. There was also the hurt, the emotional hurt from Tony being so distant and awkward around her. It was like those few weeks she'd managed to have with him before the incident were vanished.

Winter felt unwanted for once, she knew Pepper was there Yeah...But was Tony? Yes. But not actually upstairs and socializing, not giving any chance for her to get to know the man that is her father.

She'd retreated to her room lots more, putting her technical skills to use and even learning how J.A.R.V.I️.S worked, he was quite nice and extremely helpful. He also wasn't programmed into the ceiling, he was everywhere. At least he didn't have a human figure, that'd be the creepiest thing ever.

Now everything was coming together, it was just her overreacting. Was it really, what they call, unreasonable to want to spend time with her father. No. It was, uh, normal, that's what they call it. Winter was beginning to want to feel normal, with the amounts of television she'd feel watching lately, she had a good sense as to what families acted like and what they did together.

"It's all the emotions that you've buried deep down inside, the ones that are too much to deal with that you push away. Store them in the back, and now he wants to release them all. I know this must suck to hear kid, but, he was using you. Hell he even managed to use me for a bit too."  Bucky has said, a warm and calmness to it.

Ten minutes had passed, voices spiraling through her head. The good ones and the most traumatic ones, the voices, they were her own. It was like reliving everything that man had put her through, crushing her heart and giving a massive headache.

"All these years, he...used me?" Winter hesitated.

"Yes." He nodded.

"Explain to me exactly what, used means." She deeply sighed, chest feeling like weights were crushing her.

There was a pause, "Used means like, taken for granite, do you know what that means?"


Does my face not give you a clear enough answer?

"It means, he only had you there to do tasks for him. A purpose that didn't benefit you in any way, but himself." Bucky slowly explained.

"How do you know what that feels like?" Winter squinted at him.

"Hydra, do you know who they are?" He asked.

The only time that name, or word, was heard by Winter it was when she was first thrown out of the van. It started on day one, with one of the people who were inside. There was a man that was quiet the entire time, eyes set out on the road and his expression was unreadable. He only ever mumbled, Obadiah had to remind him that he wasn't with them anymore and was safe with him.

Winter highly doubted that man was at all safe with Obadiah.

It was only a name, to a person? A place? It was unclear, but it didn't matter because before she could ask what it was instructions were babbled at her and then she was gone.

"I don't know anything about it." She said softly.

"They're a group of people who do very bad things to put it the easy way. They captured me after I had woken up from a comatose state, and they...tested on me. Turned me into a weapon, and used me to do their dirty work. They're really bad people, and I️ have a bad feeling that something is going down behind everyone's back."

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