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If someone had told Winter that by night she'd be on an alien planet with a group that called themselves The Guardians of The Galaxy and a wizard named Doctor Strange, she would have laughed and told them that maybe they should see a therapist too.

The ship had a set course for a planet called Titan, Peter and Tony crashed it as safe as possible and now they were all outside of it trying to come up with a plan.

Well more, Tony was trying to come up with the plan and everyone else wasn't listening or taking it serious. Doctor Strange was twitching off by himself, he looked blurred. The alien who Winter had met, Mantis, was jumping on a self made trampoline with Winter.

"This is fun." Winter commented as she went up and Mantis down.

"I find it entertaining." Mantis smiled awkwardly.

"Can you do flips?" Winter asked, and went down now.

"All I know is jumping. Could you show me a flip?" Mantis asked slowly, like she didn't know how to speak properly. Or maybe just proper English. She probably has her own language that she's used to.

Winter nodded as she went back up.

"Yeah, sure."

Winter went down, bent her knees and double bounced off of Mantis' jump to do a backflip. She flipped backwards and landed off of the trampoline, stumbling over the rocks and then tripping and landing on her stomach in front of it. She laughed as she looked at Mantis' overly concerned face. She jumped off carefully, and crouched down in front of Winter.

"You are hurt." Mantis commented, head tilting.

Winter shrugged, the suit had taken most of the damage off of her body, "I'm okay, I've had worse than a flip injury before."

"Could you help me up?" Winter stuck her hand out, and Mantis grabbed it and tensed but managed to pull her onto her feet. She was stronger than she looked.

Mantis frowned at Winters hand, "You bare a big secret." Her eyes gathered tears, "You are confused and sad."

Winter retracted her hand back and held it against her chest.

"I'm not sad. Maybe I get a bit confused here and there, but I'm not– I am happy...really, never been better." Winter looked at Mantis who didn't believe her.

Mantis nods, looking torn. Winter watches her look over where Peter is talking with Tony and Star-lord then looking back at her.

"You are enhanced. Like the spider?" Mantis whispered.

Winters fidgeted. "What do you mean, enhanced? I'm not like that."

Mantis' face went blank and before Winter could stop her, her fingers went right to the spot on Winter's neck that she'd been having issues with earlier. Winter froze, in a swift movement her hand instinctively flew up to grab Mantis' arm tightly and hold it in place.

"You are very strong for someone not of enhancement." Mantis commented unconvinced, and let go.

Winter let her arm drop, and turned away to go back to Tony. She walked up as they all finished talking.

"Hey." Tony greeted as she went up right next to him.

"Hey." She repeated, "Do we have a plan?"

Tony looked down, not meeting her eye, "Yes. You're with Peter again. He can explain it to you."

Winter nodded, a plan was good. A plan meant structure. Structure helped them be more precise and established a guideline. She could follow that. And if it was a good plan, they had to come out on the top. They could kick some alien ass and be home by morning.

There were still a few episodes of Sponge-bob that she had to catch up on still. The last few seasons had aired a couple years back before the show ended, and Winter has been playing catch-up. That show and the Harry Potter series that Cap has taken a liking to after Peter introduced it to them.

"And Winter." Tony put his hand on her shoulder, catching her attention.

She looked at him, "Yeah?"

He looked so stressed out. More so than Winter has ever seen him before. That alone let her know that what he was about to say was going to be important. Tony was using his serious yet anxious tone right now.

"Be careful out there okay? Don't put yourself into a situation if you know that you won't end up on the winning side. I cant lose you kid. And what we're about to go up against is horribly dangerous, so when we all get out there just follow my lead. Okay?" Tony said.

"Okay." Winter nodded, gulping her heart back down to her chest. "I'll follow your lead, Dad."

Tony's face twitched in something that resembled a smile, he tried but the worry cast across his face was permanent and made for a tired and sad smile.

"Good. Now come here." Tony pulled her into a hug, making sure to hold her tightly and keep a good hold on her.

Winter hugged back tight, forcing all of her newly learned emotions out through the hug. She squeezed around his waist and his arms were over her shoulders.

"I love you, Dad." Winter mumbled into Tony's chest.

His breathing picked up. He pulled away from the hug and patted her head.

"I love me too. Now go over there with Peter, we don't know how much time we have left to hide." Tony said, and shuffled away.

Winter felt a pang in her chest, and decided to ignore it because there were far more pressing matters coming up. She went over to Peter, and he silently led her over to their place behind these big boulders out of sight.

When they were crouched he decided to talk.

"So we're the backup. We get in our kicks where we can, but keep distant to make sure Doctor Strange can do his thing." Peter explained.

"Got it." Winter responded. "You ready for this?"

Peter looked at her, "To fight someone who's trying to kill us all? Yeah, sure. It's nothing new."

A wind brushed over the planet. It sent shivers down Winters spine, her mask went up her face and she zoned in on a portal appearing right in front of Strange.

"What is that?" Winter whispered.

Something stepped out of it, wielding a gauntlet with three stones trophied inside of it, two were still sporting empty slots. It was purple, and bulky, definitely not human.

"Better question, who is that?" Peter said.

Winter looked at her friend, "Probably the guy that is trying to kill us all."

He was talking to Doctor Strange. She couldn't pick up what they were saying, and waiting for Peters cue to go ahead and attack. When Tony came from above and crashed a large piece of the planet down on the purple man, Peter jumped over from their cover and webbed him in the face, and giving him a kick to the face as well.

Winter jumped over her rock and joined in on the fight. Ignoring her feelings and focusing on her task, her mission, putting her emotions on lock down for everyone's sake. It was better this way for everyone if she didn't feel anything.

Feeling nothing now was helpful for what she was going to witness later.

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