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"I am never leaving the house again."

"Low vitals. Low vitals. Low vitals."


Hours passed. Pepper and Tony weren't to be found anywhere near the mansion. The last thing on their minds was Winter. Tony was currently drunk and flirting with the hostess much to Peppers despise.

The woman kept impatiently checking her watch. Trying to get Tony away from the woman crawling all over him.

For Tony it was a blast. He forgot all about his daughter. All the worries parenthood brought to him, the alcohol took away all the worries.

"Tony it's late we should be going-"

"My dear it's only," he paused and checked his watch. "It's only three in the morning."

Pepper gave him a pointed look and he backed down.

"It was nice meeting you loves, but I must be going. Duty calls." He kissed the woman on his arms on the cheek before he wobbled over into Peppers care.

"Such a party pooper." Tony made raspberries on Peppers hands as they fell into a limousine.

"Tony stop," she sighed, she wasn't in the mood.

"Come on Pep, what's the matter?" He pouted, this time going in for her neck. Leaving sloppy kissed up and down.

"You have a daughter waiting at home, no doubt she's still waiting up for you." Pepper was worried.

Tony noticed.

"She's a big girl, can handle herself." He tried to reassure himself more than his girlfriend.

Now the anxiety was starting to step in as the booze was wearing out of his system. His heart was beating faster and his hands were fumbling crazily as his face went pale.

"She'll be fine, right?" He started to panic.

"Hopefully, there's just something off. I have this weird feeling." Peppers comment didn't help Tony's state of mind.

As if to torture him even further a pop up came from his watch. Alerting him that there was a break in his workshop, immediately he started to pull up surveillance.

"What are you doing Tony?" Pepper leaned on his shoulder.

"Pulling up the security cameras." He whispered and focused on his mission.

As the camera pulled up he flipped through each camera, his worries fading away until the main one came up. The two watch horrifically as they saw Winter laying limp on the floor, a suit helmet strapped to her face.

The workshop was a mess. There was a mishap no doubt.

Tony thought he was about to have a heart attack. If she was anything like he was, she probably flipped out and passed out. She couldn't possibly be smart enough to know how to operate his suit.

"Bring up vital status please." Tony commanded his watch.

"Vital status: Low." The robotic voice spoke.

"Oh god." Pepper muttered. A hand flying over her mouth.

"Drive faster!" Tony commanded the driver, his eyes flickering towards his watch again.

The camera started to glitch. In and out, from black to white. To static. Each camera went out except the main one on Winter, when it glitched again a figure was standing over his daughter.

It glitched again and the man was directly in front of the camera. A familiar face tony thought he'd never see again, Obadiah Stane.

"Good bye for now Tony Stark." He cheered, and with a glitch the cameras all went out.

Worth A Million⇝Tony Starks DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now