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Winter Stark has had many brutal scenarios play out in her daily life. One time she'd even broken her arm while going up against one of the strongest men Obadiah had in an arm wrestling match. After that she woke up in her 'room' with a cast covering her arm, and the sense of confusion rolling around in her controlled mind.

To say she was confused now, would be an understatement.

The room was nothing close to the one her father had, it wasn't spacious, had no color to it other than an irritatingly gross gray tint that was peeling off the thick walls compared to the simple white and tan color in her room back at Tony's.

Sitting up in the bed Winter groaned, threw her hand up to meet the base of her skull as it throbbed and she flew back down onto the bed. It felt like a thousand needles were pricking at her brain as it swelled inside, leaving her to wonder, what the heck happened?

Winter didn't manage to go far in her reminisces when the only door in the room opened with a loud screech, making the girl groan internally, giving off the sense that she was fine. In fact she wasn't, the fear that has latched onto her back had left when she was met with Obadiah.

"Ah, I see you're awake my child." His voice boomed off the walls, much to Winter's displeasure. Shrugging was her response, there wasn't anything to it. Yeah, she was awake.

Winter watched as Obadiah, whom she hadn't been into contact with for weeks was now sitting at the edge of her bed. Smiling nicely yet it didn't quite reach his eyes. Now those, they held fury beneath, ready to leap out, and attack.

"You look much better," he motioned to his face in a circular motion, Winters hand went up to her face, patting each part until she reached her nose, scrunching up when it hissed in a burn. "Yeah, that," he chuckled, "was Stupid on your part." His whole demeanor changed.

Obadiah's grin dropped off the grid of his face, no trace of one ever being there. The room fell silent, Winters anxieties mixed with Obadiah's and created a pit in the bottom of her stomach. Burning with passion to send shakes through out her entire body.

"You've grown weak, I am very, very disappointed in you," he stepped around the room painfully slow, each step came as a stomp in Winters heart. Oddly his words effected her. "Two weeks," he sighed. "That's a damn shame."

Two weeks? What had that meant. Usually Winter welcomes Obadiah, looked up to him even though he'd always been a hard man. Just never to this point. Yes, he'd trained her and helped her all her life. Had he ever been, disappointed in her? No. A look must've set on her face as Obadiah came over and grinned evilly, towering over her weak position laying in the bed.

A loud sigh left his chapped lips, "Now that! Is a look I've never seen before," he cackled in her face before coming in real close. His breath could be felt on the side of Winters face when he gripped her shoulder painfully, making her feel weaker than she already was.

"The look of confusion, now damn. Here I thought I sent you on an easy mission-"

"But you did!" Winter interrupted blatantly, trying to defend herself or give Obadiah a reason not to be disappointed in her anymore, and to let go of his death grip on her shoulder.

Winter watched as Obadiah clenched his eyes to slits, breathing in a laughing manner but not actually laughing. His head craned to right with a twitch as he released her shoulder.

"I see you've come accustomed to Starks, 'attitude', interrupting adults and stupidly failing to do the one thing I wanted.." he paused to see if she'd interrupt again, which is exactly what Winter did.

"To be fair, you threw me out of a van and told me to find my father. That is what I did, ya see...the specifics are what are important here Obadiah. Not whatever it is you, wanted here. What did you want me to do? Stare at the man and not do anything." Winter yelled, letting it all out. Shocking even herself with the tone she'd used with someone as important as Obadiah was to her. Or had been to her in the past.

Winter doubted her relationship to him now, the last she remembered was being at Tony's house, watching tv...thinking there was a break in...the mask strapping to her face and refusing to let go until she passed out. Looking around now, this looked nothing like a normal hospital. And if Obadiah was here, that meant it was secluded, and far away from Tony's.

"You were supposed to help me, help me break him!" He responded back with his voice even louder than Winters had been a few seconds prior. The way he looked at her made her feel on the verge of guilty.

After all Obadiah had been there for Winters entire life where Tony had only been a few weeks.

Winter looked up to Obadiah, her worries as to where she was faded.

"I'm sorry sir."

"Good, now we can get back on track." He smiled deviously before pricking her neck in a swift motion with a needle, squeezing the syringe until it was empty, and knocking her out completely.

Now that Tony had ties to the girl, Obadiah could continue his destruction of the man using his own daughter against him.

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