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It was sometime very early in the morning. Just about the time he got up each and every morning for a quick jog, well...long jog before breakfast. The bed creaked as he sat up and swung his legs over to stand up. He slipped a loose blue tee on with dark workout sweats before walking out into the corridor on his way to the elevator.

On his way up J.A.R.V.I️.S greeted had greeted him with a, "Good morning Captain Rogers, it's pleasant to see you up and about." Which was odd coming from the bot, he usually sounded down...which was really confusing to him because weren't robots not supposed to have feelings?

Hastily he replied, "Good morning to you too Jarvis." An odd smile that he hadn't felt crept up on him. Today was starting out totally odd.

First he couldn't stop feeling like there was somebody else inside the tower. Sure there was Clint, Natasha, Bruce, Sam and the occasional Thor but today was different. Even the air he felt with each breath was, different.

The way Jarvis had greeted him, and how the entire kitchen was covered in cake batter from head to toe...

The tv was blaring Clint's stupid Sharknado movie like he always did just to get on Thor's nerves. That's when Steve took to notice his presence as well, snoring his heart out on the floor. Like it was comfortable there.

Clint took a similar position, but he was laid across–and looked totally uncomfortable–the recliner off to the side of the couch.

Steve was about to shake his head and continue on his way to grab a water from the fridge before he left when he noticed another form sleeping on their couch. It was a girl, looked to be a teenager, arms crossed protectively around herself while she laid without a blanket.

He wasn't sure what concerned him more—the fact that there was a teenager in the tower or what the hell she was doing with Clint and Thor—he didn't know which one he hoped it to be.

It raised instant flags. Who was she? Where'd she come from? Was Clint dead—Nope not dead...jesus that man can snore loud.

So Steve being the person that he is crouched down and put a tentative hand to her shoulder and gave it a light nudge. If it had been anyone else they would've gotten a punch to the nose, but since he had enhancements he dodged it quickly and rose his hands.

"Woah–Hey, Hey, I'm not going to hurt you, okay? Just...put your fists down, there we go." He spoke calmly, and in his Captain America voice.

The girl breathed deeply but didn't show any fear as her dark eyes scanned his own, looking for any reason to not go for a punch to the face. Slowly she rubbed her eyes tiredly, and leaned over onto her knees so she was level with Steve's eyes.

"I don't mean to sound rude but, who are you?" Steve asked after the girl seemed to calm down.

"I'm Winter, and you must be...?" She whispered, she sounded half asleep still. Her body was shivering from sleeping all night without any source of heat.

"I'm Steve," his head ducked down.

"Rogers?" She asked before he could finish.

"Well...yes, how'd you—." Steve tried, he knew inside that many people knew exactly who he was because of Captain America but it wasn't everyday you find one of them where you live, passed out and next to two of your closest friends.

"Good guess...do I need to go to a different room or something? I️—he just walked off I swear, but I can go try and find him. So I'm not in the way, it's just they offered to watch movies and who was I to say no when they were smeared in cake batter. It was hilarious, but the movie was stupid—."

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