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Winter set JARVIS' security back online after her and Peter had exited with her suit, there were many things that they still needed to learn about it. They rode the elevator up, hiding the suit underneath her shirt and running to her room, locking the door behind them.

"Okay, so here it is..." she threw it on the floor, and spread it out to see the full view.

She looked to Peter for what to do next.

"Well don't look at me! It's not my suit, go try it on." He suggested, picking the suit up and moving her to the bathroom inside her room.

Once in the bathroom the teen glanced at the bundled up suit in her arms and then to the mirror. Quickly she shed her clothes and shimmied into the suit. It was black, not exactly skin tight but not loose either, It was comfortable. There was gold rimming to the seams, it gave it a nice look.

The suit itself wrapped around her fingers like gloves and crawled all the way up underneath her jaw. She noticed the gloves were reinforced and durable enough to not break unless immense pressure crushed it. It must've been some sort of metal Incased between the fabric.

There were buttons barely noticeable along the neck, but she couldn't bring herself to push them yet. Winter left through the door to see Peter waiting in her desk chair, spinning around.

While waking to him she could feel that there was a noticeable weight on her feet where the suit covered, it resembled socks just with the durability to be used just the same as shoes. There were small grips at the bottoms of the soles.

"That's so sick, did it come with a mask or anything?" Peters eyes were al over the suit, taking her hands and staring in awe at the gloves and peeking closely around the neck area.

"I didn't see one." She answered him, also looking herself over enthusiastically.

"I wonder what these buttons do." Peter mumbled, his finger already pressing down on one of them.

A cold breeze blew inside the suit, chilling her instantly.

"Okay, woah, that's really cold stop that." Winter smacked his finger off the button and the cold stopped.

"Sorry sorry." He laughed already going and pressing another button.

There was a silent second, then like the sound of thousands of ants crawling something was making its way up Winter's face and head, wrapping itself around her face.

"I think this is your mask." Peter said, "That's so cool, it's digitally connecting together dude, I wish my mask could do that."

"This feels odd." Winter commented as it concluded the mask around her mask.

She could see out of it perfectly, through the eyes it was scanning everything in the room, giving definitions of each thing and displaying how each could be used as a defensive weapon if needed to be.

"Welcome, Winter." A computerized voice spoke in her ears, that definitely was not JARVIS.

"Hello?" She responded.

"An AI..." Peter whispered.

"Greetings, I am an Artificial Intelligence system designed by Mr. Stark to assist you in anything that you might need." It cheered.

"Well, thanks? Do you have a name?"

"I do not have a name, but I have been named by Peter Parker as KAREN you may call me that if you like." The womanized voice answered.

"Peter it's KAREN." Winter told him.

"What no way, I thought she was just in my suit. Wait, I'll be right back!" Peter said and ran out of the room, his enhanced abilities letting him run faster than normal.

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