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His body shook. He mumbled something incoherent.

"Tony." They said again.

He tried to open his eyes but they wouldn't budge. Just five more minutes is all he needs. Five..nice long minutes. Five minutes is..let's see five times sixty...thats 300 seconds more of the darkness.

"Tony wake up." His shoulder got pushed on.

His back hurt. He was slumped on his side on an uncomfortable piece of furniture, this definitely was not his bed. Why wasn't he in his bed? Maybe he fell asleep in the lab again, and that voice is Pepper bringing him coffee and work.

Tony was having the best dream. And he does not ever get good dreams. It's either nightmares or nothing. Dreaming about reuniting with everyone felt so real. He did not want to wake up and face reality. Not yet.

"Mister Stark, are you gonna wake up anytime soon? I gotta go home and see May." A younger voice poked him this time.

It sounded like Peter. But Peter is...he's...

Tony opened one of his eyes and jumped in his seat when Peter Parker in the flesh was a few inches from his face with a raised pointer finger, ready to go in and poke Tony's face again.

Confused, Tony looked around and found himself in a hospital chair. A blanket wrapped around his body, he still had the same clothes on from yesterday. And his left arm felt numb from the odd position he chose to sleep in.

"Hey, Mister Stark." Peter smiled. "We thought you were never going to wake up."

Tony looked behind Peter and saw Pepper with Morgan on her hip resting his head on her chest. If Peter was here...then his dream was not a dream, it was real.

Tony smiled back, "Call me Tony, kid."

Peter stuttered, "Oh wow, o-okay! You said that yesterday too, are you sure?"

"We fought aliens together, kid, I think that puts us on a first name basis." Tony replied.

Peter beamed, and whispered, "Awesome."

The door opened and Bruce came in, he caught sight of them and smiled his way in and to them.

"How are you feeling, Peter?" Bruce asked the kid.

Peter bobs his head, "I've been feeling pretty good, Doctor Banner. You?"

"Getting everyone back has been putting me in the best of moods, so I'd say good as well." Bruce replied.

"Walk with me, Peter, I have to ask you some things before you go. Let's let these two–I'm Sorry three–talk." Bruce excused himself, and Peter followed him out the door.

Tony's mind still hazy from sleep, had to blink a couple of times to process everything. If Peter was here, so was...

"Winter." Tony whispered and shot out of his chair, the blanket falling discarded at his feet while he made his way to the hospital bed.

He did not touch anything mostly because Tony does not know what most of the stuff she is connected to does. He smiled at the fact that he got his daughter back. They had won.

So that's why he had no nightmares last night.

"She hasn't woken up since you brought her back." Pepper whispered, coming up beside him and resting her head on his shoulder, making sure to not crush Morgan between them.

Worth A Million⇝Tony Starks DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now