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"I've got it!" Winter jumped out of her seat, the chair propelling backwards, getting a good scare out of Doctor Strange.

He gave her a look as if to continue. She knew he knew how everything ends, so this must all be apart of the plan.

"It says it wants a sacrifice, right?" Winter stood up, making sure to keep her distance from the man's cloak.

She continued, "But that's only outside of the stone, to get it. It says that if I can find whoever used it last, which would be Thanos...then together we could open a portal back out."

"Sounds dangerous." Strange said nonchalantly.

"It might be dangerous, but if I can get these people out it'd be worth the risk." Winter said, putting her straight face on.

"Besides," She continued, "It wouldn't be the most dangerous thing I've done."

"It will be." Strange said.

"Well maybe you're right, but I have to do something. I'm going to go find him today, or at least try to. Are you coming with me?" Winter gathered her book under her arm.

"I can't." He replied.

Winter started for the door, "Right. Fate of the universe stuff. I'll see you around."

"You can't be serious, can you?" Tony spluttered, throwing his arms out, upset.

"It is the only way, I have made contact with my colleagues and they confirm that it is seriously the only way." Wong replied, as calm as ever.

"So in order to get everyone back, someone has to sacrifice a loved one. That's absolutely ridiculous!" Tony yelled, he couldn't sacrifice someone, and he couldn't be the one to be sacrificed because he had Morgan to think about now.

"It is how Thanos received the stone in the first place." Wong said quietly.

Tony had a million ideas running through his head, trying to comprehend what had to happen. They actually have to sacrifice another human being, and it couldn't be a random, it had to be a loved one.

Just his luck as always. Horrible.

"Where? Where would it happen." Tony sighed.

"On a planet called Vormir, it's where the stone would have returned after everything." Wong explained, "I can take us there now if you'd like."

Tony took a moment, "Yeah, let's do that."

Wong stepped closer and enclosed them inside of his magic that Tony would never be able to comprehend, he was a numbers man, not a magician. And in a moments notice they were at the top of a cliff.

It was all gray and unsettling to be on. He did not like it one bit.

"This is where it happens." Wong said.

"Not what I imagined." Tony said.

"We can't do anything here without a sacrifice, without it, this is just another deserted planet." Wong said.

A thought came to Tony as he looked at the deserted planet from the top. Down below there were water patches and dead grass, no buildings, if there were they were burnt down. If this is where they get the soul stone, then maybe...

"Is this where everyone is? On this planet, in that..stone." Tony asked, taking in how dead this planet was.

"Yes." Wong replied sadly.

Tony took a deep breath.

So everyone was still alive. They were just trapped. Enclosed in this God awful planet, it was obviously inhabitable. He only hoped that it wasn't as bad inside the stone. That it wasn't how he imagined it in his nightmares when they switched from the usual ones about being on Titan.

A small, unreachable amount of way over the cliff an orange glow began to appear, miniature sparks similar to Wong's magic ones came out of it.

"Is that you?" Tony asked and looked at Wong.

Wong raised his hands, the man looked equally as confused. "That's not my doing."

The glow grew bigger, like it was being stretched out. Tony stepped closer by one step. If something were to come out he needed to be ready for anything, and to be able to activate his suit.

What sounded like a voice came through, it was all inaudible and sounded pained.

There was a pause in the growth and then it grew to about the size of a window.

"Come on, come on, come on." He heard chanting from the other end, it all sounded far away he almost did not hear it because it echoed in a whisper.

"Someone is on the other side." Wong pointed out.

"Yeah, but who?" Tony said, not really asking Wong, just leaving the question hanging in the air.

The sparks died down and gave Tony at first a blurry picture of someone struggling to keep the window open, the glow that was orange was beginning to fade and the person inside was growing tired.

"It won't work without your help." The other side struggled, and then what was on the opposite end became very clear to them both.

It was Winter.

She struggled to keep whatever this was open, it was already beginning to close, and her arms were straining against the pressure. She wore differently than what Tony last saw her in. She looked older, but not by much, not as much as he'd imagined.

"Oh my God, Winter." Tony rushed up, and Wong had to grab the back of his sweater to keep him from falling over the edge.

He tried to activate his nanotech suit, but Wong stopped him.

"There is not anything we can do, we can't interact with this. It'll take you in as well." Wong said.

Tony pushed the man off him and watched the small opening.

"You are not trying hard enough, child." Tony heard that horrible horrible voice that haunted him.

"Yes I am!" Winter yelled back through a struggle, her arms were beginning to wobble.

Tony knew that the opening would be gone soon.

"Even if you were I do not care to reverse this, and I wont have you trying again either. You've had your chance, and now it is gone." Thanos came into frame behind Winter.

Tony's heart caught in his throat. He felt like he couldn't breathe again, like he was being stabbed again, like the kids were vanishing in his arms again. He reached out a hand, though it would never reach.

He watched as Thanos walked closer and used his giant purple hand to pry Winter away from the opening, she put up a good struggle but was no match.

"Winter!" Tony shouted, and that time he knew she had heard him.

Winters face frowned, and she let go of her hold on the opening, recognition clouded her face and that anger she had was all gone. She almost looked confused.

The opening snapped shut, the last thing Tony saw of her was Thanos walking away holding her.

But Winter was alive for sure.

She'd been so close yet still trapped far away.

Tony had to find another way to get her out. A newly found level of determination hit him in a wave, he turned to Wong.

"You and I are going to find another way, because they're alive in there, and we will get them out. Maybe it won't be today, but we are." Tony said, Wong nodded.

Worth A Million⇝Tony Starks DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now