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Winter shoved herself out of the Titans grasp. Giving her strongest punch at his meaty hands in defiance. In so much pent up anger from this whole situation. Just how it had been so close and been ripped away in an instant. Holding the portal open was not easy, but it was possible.

Until Thanos has been pulling her away from it, her hold was reasonably powerful. Then she heard a voice call out her name, she could not see him but she had looked up and out the void at the distant sound.

"I hate this place." Winter muttered underneath her breath.

Thanos strutted around, content with himself and his surroundings. Not at all alarmed at her obvious fury at his unhelpful manner, he just walked talk and slow like he owned the ground. Owned the soul stone world. And in a way, he did.

"What is there to hate, young one? You're nurtured here, surrounded by those who care about you, given every and anything you want. All your pain erased, and all your needs fulfilled." Thanos whispered, a rock appearing before him as he took a seat on top of it.

"It's not as great as you make it out to be." Winter said, crossing her arms as she does so.

"Maybe not now, but you will see." Thanos said, and the way he says this puts an eery feeling into Winters chest.

Sure enough the sparks come and float above her chest, the feeling slowly being oozed out of her and replaced with nothing.

Thanos has the audacity to smirk. As if he had gained something by seeing this. He stepped closer, close enough that his body was a few inches from Winters. He leaned and towered over her.

"You are scared." Thanos said.

"Please, Dad, I'm scared..." Winter cried.

"I am not scared." Winter glared at him, though even she could hear the shift in her own voice.

He stayed in her face for a few lingering seconds, before he finally back away. He was still in close proximity, but now he walked around her. His loud voice cementing in her memory.

"Oh but you are. You are scared of the soul world. What it means. What it doesn't. Of all the unknown. It frightens you. You want out of here." Thanos said, the whole time he walked with a triumphant smile.

"I want to get everyone out of here." Winter corrected, still following him with her eyes.

If possible he smirked even deeper. More power. A winners smirk.

"What if I were to tell you that the world you know has changed tremendously since," Then Thanos snapped his fingers.

Winter may not have known why everything happened when it first did. Why her feet suddenly began to grow this silly feeling, or how they started to flake away into the wind. But in the soul stone, people talk. So it did not take long to figure out that they were all here because Thanos had snapped his fingers, activating all of the Infinity Stones at once.

The action cause her to wince. Her crossed arms because more of a protective shield and she hugged herself, hopefully unnoticed by the Alien.

"Are you sure certain you wish to return to that? Give up bliss. The undying days. The peace." Thanos said.

"This is not peace. This is solitude in disguise. It wouldn't matter if things changed, we'd all get to go home." Winter squared her jaw. Holding herself tighter.

"The stone world has made you more knowledgeable. Though in all its greatness you still are a selfless idiot." Thanos said.

Winter tilted her head, "Well there really isn't anything else to do around here expect read. And I don't understand what you called me completely, but I know what an idiot is and that comment just wasn't very nice." She said easily.

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