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Winter couldn't sleep after Tony left the room that night. She just laid there, hugging herself and staring up at the ceiling. The only indicator that everyone was awake or at least remotely close to it, was when she heard arguing.

First it started off as quiet mumbles, barely audible and hushed. They were confusing but she thought nothing of it, and she rolled on her side snuggle into her own warmth. Shortly after there was a clanking sound, one that a glass would make if it broke in the sink. She sat up in the bed but after hearing no more speaking she left it at that and laid back down.

Now though, it was quite obvious that people were up, no, everyone was awake. It was hard to pinpoint a voice to match someone's face, and deciding to go snoop in and listen from around the corner she could hear the quite loud voices from the people of the house.

"This is ridiculous, Stark, okay? I thought we were going to at least, try, and work all this out." There was Sam.

"Yeah! And okay things may be different now you have a kid to tend to, and we completely understand. But weren't we all friends? Isn't that what we're aspiring to be still?" That was Steve's soft voice.

"Hey–hey, yeah what he said. Don't let the fact that I knocked your kid out change what we're trying to be here." For the love of god, there was Clint throwing his arms out all over the place.

Tony turned to look him dead in the eye instead of Steve.

"You—What!" There was Tony yelling.

"Shit. I thought that AI thing told you everything, I thought you fucking knew. Sam you asshole you said he knew—." Clint began to ramble on and Winter could tell Tony was growing uncomfortable and small as all these people practically surrounded him.

But yet, he stood tall and had his chest out as if to say 'two can play the tough guy'.

"Clint, enough. Tony, despite our past and everything that has happened in Germany I, and I speak for every one here, we are truly sorry for hurting you. All we want is for you to trust us again, to be friends again." Steve pleaded, and everyone silenced waiting for Tony to speak.

He looked just about ready to give in, to say something that didn't sound like a remark or a yell. But winter caught that glint in his eye, one that fought itself and made him doubt his own feelings. His whole demeanor faltered and he looked hurt, his face contorted in disbelief, and a hand went to his chest, playing at the loose strings.

"I lost all trust in you the moment you drove your shield into my chest, did you know that if i still had the reactor and you did that. I'd be dead, so no Steve i don't forgive you."

And that's when Winter entered the room, she noticed the pained looks on everyone's faces, but etched the deepest on Tony's and Steve's. Natasha was off to the side shaking her head disapprovingly on the couch. Sam and Clint were whispering to each other, eyes downcast.

Once Tony noticed her his pained expression faltered and his eyes lit up, he was happy to see her, and that felt nice inside.

"Hey kiddo, lets get out of here for a bit. What do you say?" Tony's hand was placed on her shoulder, he was looking directly into her eyes which was rare but she accepted it.

"That sounds nice, yeah...let's do that, Dad." Winter gave him a grin, and she could've sworn she saw a shocked look on his face briefly.

"Okay, I got the keys let's go." He rushed her towards the elevator, scooting her along and not once looking back to meet the eyes of his former friends.

"Tony, wait—." That's when Tony force-Shut the elevator doors before Steve could say anything further.

Tony slide on his signature sunglasses, and let out a long sigh. His whole demeanor had changed yet again and he seemed almost, sad or guilty.

"Are you okay?" Winter asked timidly.

Her father seemed taken back from the question but brushed it off, straightening his shirt and dusting off imaginary dirt from his pants.

"I'm fine. Always. Are you fine? I heard Clint got one on ya, come to see it up close there's a few bruises on the sides of your face." Tony inspected her face in his hands, flinging it side to side emotionless.

"Oh that," she brushed his hands off, "That was nothing, I didn't know how to play so I did a move and got hit hard in return. It's totally okay though, afterwards I won big time in our one-on-ones. He has more bruises than me." Winter beamed, happy of her accomplishment.

Tony chuckled a bit, "Yeah I saw that, looked like you went full soldier on him..."

He kept talking but something was triggered in Winters mind. The word, soldier was flashing everywhere she looked, her head started to throb.

"You are nothing but a soldier small child, and you are all mine." Obadiah has said sometime long ago.

"...and that's how Clint ended up sleeping on the roof for the night, hey," Tony concluded and snapped in her face. "Were you even listening? Goodness, children will be the death of me."

"Oh yeah, sorry, that was a good story." Winter chuckled nervously, her heart beating erratically and irregular. She could feel her face creasing in confusion and anger.

The two went to one of Tony's lower key cars and began to take off in the city, Happy had been calling them for quite some time too. But Tony said to not answer them, because Happy was 'overprotective' and he wasn't a baby.

It wasn't until they hit traffic that Tony bothered to check his phone, the cars were completely stopped and they had been stuck in the non-moving traffic for twenty minutes now.

The phone rang throughout the car, curtsy of JARVIS Winter believed. It got to the second ring when Happy picked up, his tone worried and relieved at the same time.

"Tony, thank god you answered." Happys voice rebounded off the inside of the cars walls. He spoke in-between breaths like he had just been running.

"Yeah yeah, what do you want, is it important? Or should I just hand up now and save you your breath, because clearly it sounds like you need some right now." Tony sassed, the flick he did with his wrist as he did so was hilarious.

"Oh shut up Tony, of course it's important. Downtown Queens, it's—god, it's he's back." Happy rambled.

Tony gave Winter a confused look before replying slowly.

"Whose back Happy?" He asked.

"Please tell me your at the tower." Happy begged.

"Happy, bud. Don't freak but I'm in downtown Queens so what I need you to do is tell me who exactly is back, and why it concerns me."

There was a worrying pause.

"It's Stane...Tony, he's destroying the buildings and he's gotta a knock off version of your suit." Happy said just as the line cut out.

Now completely flustered and confused and curious, Winter looked out of her window as car horns from down the street a ways began to go off. Their alarms sounding as well as the sound of a repulser charge.

The only thing she knew now was, Obadiah was back, he had a suit, and he was currently destroying downtown Queens, New York.

And where was she?

Right in the damn center of it all.

Worth A Million⇝Tony Starks DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now