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Everything had all happened so fast. Tony had just been out having fun, leaving with Pepper to make sure he didn't do anything stupid that he'd regret. And that's exactly what happened when they left that night, oh that night that was now the only thing Tony could think about.

"Pepper, oh my god, Stanes there with my child! Something bads happened, I-I was supposed to take care of her, what if her vitals are still low. Do you think she's even breathing? God, my mask." Tony rambled on, his heart spitting out words before his brain could grapple onto them and refrain him from looking like a fool, especially in front of some one like Pepper.

"Calm down Tony, deep breaths. I'm sure she's okay..." Pepper soothingly rubbed circles into the back of Tony's suit, trying to keep him from panicking to the point where he wouldn't be able to function.

Before the car even stopped Tony was rushing into the house sending all of his alarms into a frenzy and loudly booming off the walls, he ran faster than he ever would sober down to his garage going to punch in the code when he found it a jar.

Two and a half weeks it had been since that night, the night Stark had regretted ever leaving his house to bear his child alone at night. His kid, Winter is his kid. It wasn't until now that he'd felt this horrible, all the possibilities of what he could've done and didn't.

The press had been outside of his house ever since the silent word got out that Tony Stark had a kid, and more importantly how he ended up losing her to a house break in. The headlines on the news keep stabbing at his heart. If he had the chance he would've wanted to release that information on his and Winters own free will.

Now he didn't know if he'd ever get the chance.


Not an hour after Obadiah had left Winter alone a man entered the room, one she'd never seen before. Surprised she sat up and was ready to leap out of bed when she felt a pain in her neck.

The man wore all black and nothing distinguished him from anyone else she'd come across which confused her. He just stood there looking over papers on a clipboard.

"I'm going to keep looking at these papers...and you're not going to move or say anything, just nod when I ask you a question...got it?" The softness of his voice intrigued Winter, so as he said she nodded when he looked up at her.

"You're feeling good yeah?" He said loudly so anyone watching would be able to hear him, "Here, these are your stats. We have to go take more tests to make sure everything's alright, you up for that?" He asks looking directly into her dark eyes.

Winter only nods, playing along like the clueless child she was. Most times if anyone wanted tests from her they're just wake her up and shuffle her towards the room. But not this man, he was odd.

"Let's go." He said as he grabbed her by the arm gently, leading her out of the room and in the direction Winter knew was not towards the testing or medical rooms.

He was leading her out. Winter felt his fingers, and they were cold, very cold. Almost like they'd been freezing for years, and looking down she saw metal fingers coming from his sleeve. Winters eyes darted straight to the mans, his deep blue eyes gave her a look as if not to say anything.

The girl followed along, and they were passing other workers of Obadiah so easily. Before she knew it they were outside, the strong wind hitting Winter across the face and sunlight blinding her for a few seconds.

"Look at me Kid..." the man put his normal hand on Winters left shoulder and bent down to look into her eyes. "You don't have much time, take this car...there's clothes you can change into so you won't be in this gown anymore. One of your father's programming systems is inside, it'll guide you home." He said quickly using all of his breath to one sentence, wearily glancing around and back to the door they left out of.

Winter shook her head, "W-Why are you doing this?"

The man closed his eyes and sighed, "I owe your father this. Trust me, I owe him a lot more. Now go, people will notice in a minute, stay safe."

And with that the man left without giving his name. Winter went to ask when she heard loud alarms signaling. She ran the best she could towards a black sports car, deciding to worry about clothes later she started the car up and took off down the gravel road.

After driving with the gps system for a half hour Winter was starting to grow tired, her head pounded once again and she had to pull over. Had she just escaped Obadiah's facility? She didn't even know where the hell she was, she'd never been outside of it to see where it was located, but it was very very cold. And that man...he owed her father?

"Miss, may I suggest you taking a deep breath." The AI system shook Winter back into reality, she didn't notice the tightness inside her chest or how her breaths came out in labored pants.

"T-Thanks, I-I'm fine now...just, just gonna change if that's alright." She stuttered and took the AIs silence as permission to change.

The clothes in the back were baggy jeans along with a blank shirt and a grey hoodie, Winter didn't have shoes either so it was good to find some sneakers waiting for her in the back. As she ripped the medical gown off she wondered if J.A.R.V.I.S had notified her father of her whereabouts.

"Hey JARVIS?" She called out, looking to the hood of the car.

"Yes Miss Stark." It responded, and if it were human Winter was sure it'd be smiling at her as it spoke.

"Has uhm..." What does she call the man, her father or Tony? "Tony been notified as to where I am?"

"No, I am afraid I cannot contact sir because I am permanently set in offline mode for this vehicle being it is a very old model for its generation." JARVIS replies simply.

Winter feels something singe in her chest, something she never felt before. Like it was breaking and all she wanted to do was go back to where Tony and Pepper were. She'd never wanted to be somewhere, especially with people. Water was collecting in her eyes, a hand flew to her mouth, and she took the deepest breath she could manage before wiping it all away before anything could fall.

Setting herself back into soldier mode she pushed away all feelings and felt comfortable with herself not having to feel the odd pain in her heart anymore.

Gripping the steering wheel Winter looked to the cars gps to see she had almost two hours to go until she'd be back at Tony's Malibu home.

Maybe then would this odd feeling vanish.

Worth A Million⇝Tony Starks DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now