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Each step he took boomed in her eardrums, sending haunting chills down her spine as he made his way closer. The way that his hand clamped down onto her shoulder, digging in and leaving its mark. She tried to squirm, and she was definitely screaming from the pain.

Obadiah was here, how did he get back? Had she wondered off at the wrong time, and where was everybody else. How had she gotten back to this, two-faced man again.

His grip was tighter than she remembered, he still had those ugly creases in his devious grin. Then he twisted and his fingers were digging in deeper onto of her shoulder.

Winters body couldn't move, it was like she was frozen and forced to bear this pain. Had he struck her with another needle?

"You've grown weak, I am very, very disappointed in you."

She begged it to stop, the pain, the words.

Disappointed. Disappointed. Disappointed.

Obadiahs face turned soft, flickering between good and evil. Everything was confusing and too real, her shoulder and the feeling of being trapped inside of a room with him again.

"Winter?" His voice sounded soft, not his own, the grip on her shoulder was now a soft one. His voice had even changed, this wasn't Obadiah but it looked so much like him.

Winter found her voice finally, "Let me go! Get off! Stop, Stop!"

"Winter wake up it's just a dream."

Jolting up with a scream, Winter started to fight off her attacker. Vaguely through her struggles she saw the tech savvy room, but everything was blurry...and her face was wet.

Her attacker was stronger...and had blonde hair, soft eyes...not Obadiah and not Tony.

It was Steve.

Concerned and looking relieved that she had stopped trashing. He gripped her hands and spoke slowly, "Im going to let you go now."

She nodded and wiped her face with her free hands.

"Sorry, I-I just thought, god—h-he was just...I'm." Winter tried to find her voice, find some explanation for what had just happened.

"It was most likely a nightmare." Steve told her.

"O-oh, I...Yeah." Winter spoke while trying to find her voice. Looking around everything was above her, when did they she fall on the floor.

Steve put a reassuring hand on her shoulder hesitantly, watching as Winter stifled a flinch away from his touch. He was trying to show her that she was okay and that he wouldn't hurt her.

"Are you okay—."

The door suddenly burst open, Tony rushed in looking panicked, his hand was clutching his cell phone and the other was above his heart. A frown fell on his face when he took in the scene, his former best friend and his red eyed daughter.

"Get out." Tony demanded. Steve stood up.

"Tony look, I'm not here to fight—"

"Good then you should just go." Tony deadpanned.

"Tony..." Steve's voice pleaded.

Tony breathed in, sounding shaken up. Winter stood up from the floor, wiping her cheeks with the back of her hand. It was very concerning to him, not once had he seen so much panic ridden in her eyes. Steve being in the room when he found her wasn't helping calm his heart.

"Rogers, I'm going to ask nicely...please get the hell out of my daughters room." Tony glared up into Steve's soft and tired eyes.

"I was just trying to help." Steve gave up and began to leave.

"Yeah, well go help somewhere else that's not here." Tony hissed.

The tension was too much and all Winter needed was a calm environment. Before she knew it Steve had muttered something underneath his breath and Tony had heard it. They were both arguing, Steve yelling about how he was sorry he was and that Tony was being ridiculous and Tony was yelling about how his life was none of his business anymore.

"Tony...tony..." Winters voice was so soft that she wasn't heard or was ignored by her father.

"DAD!" Winters voice scratched at her throat as a result from screaming in her sleep, but it was just loud enough to catch Tony off guard.

That was the first time she'd ever called him that.

"Please, just stop." Winter begged with shaky words.

"I am sorry Winter, feel better." Steve apologized and left without another word.

Tony sat at the edge of Winters bed with a sigh, patting the spot next to him gesturing for her to come sit. Which she obliged and sat, also with a sigh.

"What was your nightmare about?" Tony asked after a few seconds of awkward silence.

Winter shook her head as her eyes went downcast to her fumbling hands, they too were still shaky.

"No, I-It doesn't matter." She tried.

"Of course it matters, that stuff isn't good to keep bottle up inside. You...gotta let it out or it comes back to bite you, I would know." Tony put a hand on his chest. Without his glasses she could really see how tired he looked.

"Is that why you don't trust these people? Because you keep it all inside?" Winter asked.

"No, no, don't go trying to change the subject to me. This is about you. What was it about, spill." Tony poked her shoulder trying to be playful, and if it were any other circumstance Winter probably would've even smiled.

" was about when Obadiah had me...he uhm, grabbed my shoulder hard. The dream—nightmare thing, it was like he was still holding me and I was trapped. A-And I couldn't move or-or, do anything to stop him." Winter admitted, never meeting Tony in the eye after she heard him intake a large breath.

She didn't know what she expected him to say but it definitely wasn't this.

"I know how it feels to be trapped and immobile, and I'm sorry that he even got a chance to get to you. It was my fault, he was my friend, he's been trying to get at me for years and now finally–oh..." Tony rambled.

Winter had thrown her arms around Tonys torso, squeezing tightly and pressing her face into his body. It seemed that it was the right thing to do, and after Tony relaxed he too cautiously placed his arms around her as well.

Worth A Million⇝Tony Starks DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now