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The Return.

Tony had to go home. He did not want to at first, he'd been too stunned with survivors guilt hitting him hard to even move from the spot that he stood at on Titan. It had been where the last person to disappear...disappeared. It was where he last hugged his daughter. The mere thought that the world decided to take everyone important to Tony and leave him to suffer the loss, hurt and alone, had the man numb with his falling tears as his only company.

When he had felt a hand land on his shoulder, Tony looked up and lost all remaining hope in his soul when it came to be some random woman whom he had never seen before standing above him. His body sagged forwards. Tony was not going to cry in front of a stranger. Couldn't let her see any of his weaknesses.

"What do you want?" He asked, voice hoarse and weak, filled with pain.

He looked away from the woman, not even the way she had metal built into her aqua tinted skin peaked any kind of interest out of him.
Tony wanted to be dead instead of those kids, instead of everyone who had just vanished. The universe just was not done with the torturing it had in store for him.

"I know you are grieving. I just lost my sister, Gamora. You are injured. We need to take you back to earth to be taken care of." She explained monotonous.

Tony's chest was getting tighter, breathing began to get harder for him, the air going in just was not enough to satisfy the body, and it was partly caused by the stab wound Thanos had got on him. He put his hand over it protectively, wincing at the tenderness of it, the cut still fresh, and when he pulled back his hand to look there was minuscule traces of blood and dust.

He clenched his hand, he had the kids on his hands.

"What's the point?" Tony dared to look at her, not caring at this point to hide any more emotions, he was so tired of hiding his feelings all the time. He had always told himself it was for those who he had to keep safe, that they did not need to worry for him, and now there was no one for him to worry about.

At least he did not know who was still left. He just knew that Winter was gone...Peter–

He was going to have to tell that kids Aunt what had happened, if she was even still alive.

"Everyone's gone." He finished.

Then the woman stuck her hand out,

"Not everyone." She said.

After a moments hesitation, Tony took it and let her lead him into her ship. When he sat down inside getting ready to strap in next to her, Tony realized how physically hurt his body was and how close he was to passing out right then.

The woman strapped herself in, and then helped him do to same in his weak state. He hated that he needed the help, but appreciated the kind gesture.

"I know it will be hard, but you have to stay awake or else you may never wake up again, many of your injuries seem to be internal." She said.

It's not like I wouldn't mind that.

"Yeah, I know the drill." He replied, watching out the side window as the ship took off, his heart squeezing as the ground got smaller and smaller until it panned out completely into just a giant orange planet.

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