Let There Be QINTER!! (J.W.)

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Air: So....Anybody got a dare?

Joy: Nah. I haven't gotten any Airflyer ones. 

Air: I didn't ask for Airflyer ones.

Joy: You were thinkin it.

Air: No I wasn't.

Rainkeeper: Air, just admit it. You are completely in love with Nightflyer.

Air: I AM NOT!

Nightflyer: *grins* Yeah, you are.

Air: Dammit.

Air: Well, You're completely in love with Pear!

Rainkeeper: True.

Joy: Face it Air. There's no escaping this.

Air: You're in love with Kelp.

Seashell: WAIT WHAT!?!!?!? YOU'RE WHAT!!! WITH WHO!!!!

Joy: You have no evidence. 

Air: Sure I don't....

Joy: Shit.

Rainkeeper: Seashell, I am very sorry, but I'm afraid I am going to have to kill your brother.

*players appear*

Winter: This is stupid.

Qibli: We're never gonna pull this off.

Winter: I am not doing this.

Qibli: Just do it and get it over with.

Winter: No.

Qibli: Fine. Then I'll do it.

Winter: Don't you dare.

Kinkajou: Hey guys! What's u-

Qibli: *kisses Winter*

Moon: Oh my gosh.  IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING!!!! SHIP!

Kinkajou: *horrified*

Umber: Can I join?

Turtle: *fake hurls*

Joy: *real hurls*

Carnelian: I knew it.

Air: What.

Nightflyer: The.

Rainkeeper: Fuck.

Seashell: *screams*

Winter: *chokes down the urge to vomit* Qiby!!! I told you not to do that in public!

Qibli: But Winnie...*pouts*

Joy: *losing her shit*

Moon: *fangirling*

Winter: Fine. *kisses Qibli*

Umber: No! MY QIBY!!!!

Qibli: I'm sorry Umber, but Winter is just so much more attractive. I love him. *prays for a bottle of bleach*

Air: Where's the holy water?

Nightflyer: Gone.

Air: How?

Nightflyer: Seashell.

Air: fuck. GET MORE!!

Nightflyer: Screw that, we need bleach.

Seashell: *frantically nods*

Umber: *sobs*

Winter: Awww I love you too Qiby!

Joy: *still has not regained her shit*


Kinkajou: Carnelian shut up! Let them be happy!

Winter: Is time up?

Qibli: Oh thank the moons. Yes.

Winter: Good. *throws up*

Qibli: *steals bleach*

Turtle: Wait what?

Winter: *shudders* We got dared to trick you guys into thinking we were a couple *throws up again*

Qibli: *bathes in holy water* Horrifying.

Air: That was far too believable.

All: *nods*

A/N: I had to stop halfway through writing this because I was laughing so hard....so, THANKS FOR THE AWESOME DARE!!!

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