Dare #2 (D.O.D.)

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Thanks to SmallButDeadlySunny for the dare!

Air: ooo a dare! I wonder what it is...*reads dare*

Joy: *burst out laughing* This is going to be hilarious!

Air:....why? Clay has to kiss Peril, so what?

Joy: Because we're in the past, so they're not in love with each other yet.

Air: WHAT  *frantically flips through books 8 and 9* wait. Peril is totally in love with him but book 9 says that Clay loves her back but he hasn't realized it yet.

Joy: WHAT!!! SPOILER ALERT! I haven't read Book 9 yet!

Air: oh, sorry. But you will love your parents part in it.

Joy: What

*the D.O.D. and the others enter*

Sunny: did we miss anything?

Air: No!

Joy: Yes!


Air: Clay got dared.

Clay: yes! what do I have to do?

Joy: you have to kiss Peril and I'm dragging in a mind reader so that we can hear what you guys think about it.

Tsunami: MIND READER?!?!!?!? oh no. no way.

Sunny: oh for crying out loud Tsunami, you've already met one.

Tsunami: I have? WHO?

Sunny: who is it going to be? Moonwatcher?

Joy: Actually it's my murderous older sister. Her name is Pineapple and she's on a mission to kill me, so....I think I should leave now.

Glory: wait....why is she trying to kill you?

Deathbringer: Do I get blamed for that in the future? Cause I feel like that's something Glory would blame me for.

Joy: uh....long story and yes you do even though it's really Glory's fault in a way *disappears*

Glory and Deathbringer: Great.

Pineapple: Hello.

Peril: Let's get on with the dare!

Clay: *turns beet red* *turns and kisses Peril*

Peril: *faints from happiness*

Tsunami, Glory, and Sunny: So... what was he thinking?

Peril: *bolts awake* Yes what was he thinking????

Clay: *bolts out of the room*

Pineapple: He is an idiot for starters. But he was more embarrassed than he has ever been in his whole life, and although he will never admit it to any of you guys he secretly liked it.

Peril, Fatespeaker, Tsunami, Glory, Sunny, Air: Awwwww- wait. You called him an idiot....

Joy: *appears on ceiling* Pineapple killing time?

Glory: *steals Deathbringers discs* Yep

Clay: *walking back to the room* *stops at the sight of Pineapple running away from Air, Joy, Glory, Sunny, Tsunami, Peril, and Fatespeaker* uhhh.

Pineapple: Clay! Peril is totally in love with you but she is more obsessed than the over-obsessive girlfriend meme!!!!

Peril: I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Riptide, Deathbringer, Starflight, and Clay just awkwardly sitting in the room....

Riptide: so....do we go after them or what?

Deathbringer: That's probably not a good idea, seeing as Glory stole my weapons....

Starflight: Do you think she'll realize that she's murdering her future daughter?

Joy:*randomly shows up* Oh trust me. The future will thank her for that.

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