Just something

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Joy: *rolling on the floor with laughter*

Seashell: *also laughing*

Air: Ignore them.

Rainkeeper: Hello scavengers! We require your assistance to make this next section more enjoyable for you specifically.

Nightflyer: Dude. Don't be so scientific.

Air: I'll do it.

Air: Us hosts, along with our 'mates' even though we're 4,

Rainkeeper: *coughs*

Air: Or 6. Have been dared to play Never Have I Ever.

Nightflyer: If, by any chance, you have a specific Never Have I Ever for us to use while playing, please comment it now.

Air: You have 1 day before the part is written with or without your suggestion. However, we can add rounds if you get more ideas.

Nightflyer: That being said, feel free to comment questions for Never Have I Ever in addition to more Truths and Dares. Just let us know who you would like in the game for your specific question.

Air: If this game grows, it may become a regular thing in addition to truth or dare.

Rainkeeper: But for now, to keep you from going into Wings of Fire withdrawal, here is an actual conversation between Scavenger Peril, Scavenger Clay, and our very own Scavenger Starflight. 

Air: But, to make this more enjoyable, just pretend they're dragons.

Me: P.S. This did actually happen, Scavenger Clay lives in Australia which is how this got started, and yes, I got permission from peril290 to post this so no one is going to kill me. 


Starflight: Hey Peril, have you and Clay ever Australian French kissed?

Peril: Huh?

Starflight: You know what a french kiss is right?

Peril: yes

Starflight: Welllll

Clay: Ya its great

Starflight: *grins evilly*

Peril: I swear.Clay.Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

Clay: O3o *french kisses Peril*

Starflight: An AUSTRALIAN french kiss is.......a french kiss from down under

Clay: *crying laughing emoji*

Peril: Starflight. I. Will. Fucking. Damn. Throw. You. Into. An iron.

Clay: And you were saying Starflight was innocent

Starflight: lol. I am far from innocent.

Peril: *sets Starflight on fire* 

Clay: X3

Starflight: *You're on fire gif*

Peril: *walks away*

Starflight: *come back adorable gif*

Peril: No

Starflight: Yup. You never answered the question.

Peril: No. You know I'm a virgin Starflight.

Clay: No she's noootttt.

Starflight: I don't believe that.

Peril: Keep talking up that bullshit and I will throw you off a fucking cliff and watch you slowly die from the rocks stabbing into your stomach and lungs

Starflight: No you won't. Peril please, you've done way too many things with Clay to be considered a virgin. *troll face gif*

Peril: *cat face emoji*

Starflight: *Castiel "I'll interrogate the cat" gif*

Peril: By definition I am a virgin

Clay: X3

Peril: Clay. Dont. You. Dare. Speak. A. Word.

Clay:....Nuggets. I need food.

Peril: *facetalon*

Starflight: I HAVE FOOD! *cow gif*

Clay: Feed me some Peril?

Starflight: *dies*

Peril: Feed yourself.

Starflight: Oooooooooo

Clay: I can't bend that far. 

Peril: *dies* 

Starflight: *gasps*

*no one responds because we died*

Peril: *comes back to life and chops up Starflight to feed to Clay*

Staflight: *disgusted face gif*


Starflight: He didn't mean actual food Peril...

Peril: I knew what he meant

Starflight: *screams*

*end conversation*

Air: Care to tell our readers why you were laughing?

Joy: *barely able to keep a straight face* Be-because *tries not to laugh* KELP'S A BIG BOY NOW!

Kelp: Oh dear moons. *facetalons*

Kinkajou: *jumps up on the screen covered in glitter* COMMENT!

Truth or Dare with the Dragonets of Destiny and The Jade WingletWhere stories live. Discover now