Who's More Likely To....(Both)

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Joy: Oooh this sounds like fun.

Air: Let's start it!!!

Rainkeeper: *is humming WOF Christmas carols*

Nightflyer: Just because it's December 4th DOES NOT MEAN IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME YET!

Air: *is wearing a Christmas sweater and eating a candy cane*

Air: Of course it does, Nightflyer.

Nightflyer: No it doe-

Air: *holds up mistletoe*

Nightflyer:.....I retract my last statement.

*players appear*

Seashell: Hi everyone!!

Glory: ..........Why has no one decided to just NOT show up for this one day?

Turtle: Because when it comes to this game, we are all like Winter.

Winter: What?

Turtle: We pretend to hate it, but deep down, it is our favorite thing.

Winter: I do not do that!

Qibli: Really?

Moon: Oh, you SO do that.

Joy: We all know it.

All: *nods*

Winter: *sighs*

Winter: Whatever. What torture will be inflicted upon us today?

Air: We're playing Who's more likely to!

Sunny: What's that?

Nightflyer: We'll say a scenario, and you all reply with who you think is most likely to do it.

Joy: And the one whose most likely to do the most things gets a punishment.

Umber: Oooo.

Deathbringer: Doesn't involve injury, death, drugs, or messing with our relationships? I'm in.

Rainkeeper: Great! Let's begin.

Seashell: Who's most likely to.....

Joy: Sleep with Winter?

Rainkeeper: Joy wtf?

Joy: Hey, I wanna know.

Glory: Qibli.

Deathbringer: What? No way. Moon.

Clay: Qibli.

Peril: Yeaaaaa Qibli.

Tsunami: Definitely Qibli.

Riptide: I am very confused now. Why Qibli?

Umber: Moon! Qibli's mine!!!

Qibli: *sighs* Umber, you're not my type.

Umber: Oh really. And Amber is?

Qibli: Wait what does that have to do with any of this?

Moon/Winter: WHO'S AMBER?!?!?!


Seashell: ANYWAYS!!!

Air: Who's more likely to be killed by Peril?

J.W.: Winter.

Winter: Seriously? I vote Carnelian.

Deathbringer: Me.

Peril: Why?

Deathbringer: Cause you'll try to kill Glory and I'll die killing you.

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