Confession Of Love -2 dares in this one- (D.O.D.)

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Dedicated to Goldtalon and AlbinoRock

A/N: I have a lot of dares to do and these are similar, so I figured I'd just mush them together.

Joy: Oh, this dare is SO easy.

Rainkeeper: *snickers* Maybe the first one is....

Joy: What?

Air: What?

Nightflyer: What?

Seashell: Oh nothing, simple dare, nothing more!

*players plus Kelp appear*

Joy: Wait what? Why is Kelp here?


Seashell/Rainkeeper: *frantically gesturing that now is the time for his dare*

Kelp: *long suffering sigh*

Kelp: *drops to his knees in front of Air* Air! Your beauty cannot be matched! I have fallen hopelessly in love with you, and will remain that way for all of eternity!!!!!

Players/Rainkeeper/Seashell: *dying laughing, can't breathe*

Nightflyer:.......*cracks knuckles*

Joy: *smacking a baseball bat with nails sticking out of it*


Kelp: *kisses Air's talon*

Clay: Wait, he wasn't joking?

Riptide: No. This is not allowed. 

Glory: I second that.

Tsunami: Third it. If one of my not-yet-existing dragonets wants to go and marry Glory's kid, sure, go ahead, but CLAY'S KID?!?!?!? HELL NO!

Peril: Oh yea. There's no way that's happening. I will burn him if necessary. 

Kelp: *stares at Air*

Air: ...........NIGHTFLYER HELP HE'S CREEPY!!!!!!!!!!

Nightflyer/Joy: *attacks Kelp*

Seashell: And now for our other dare! *whispers dare to Tsunami*

Tsunami: Really?

Rainkeeper: yep.

Tsunami: *shrugs* Okay.

Tsunami: Hey Squid-Brain, I'm in love in you. *kisses Riptide*

Riptide: Okay. *kisses her*

Seashell: Ah, at last, a dare that doesn't end in death.

Rainkeeper: Uh, check again.

Seashell: *glances at Kelp*

Seashell: Correction, Ah, ALMOST a dare that doesn't end in death.

Air: If you don't like death, then you are going to HATE the next dare we do.

Seashell: Great.

Rainkeeper: Nightflyer? Joy? It was a dare, you know.

Joy: *smashing the baseball bat on Kelp's head* 

Joy: Does it look like I care?

Rainkeeper: Nevermind. 

D.O.D.: *slowly backs away*

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