Never Say Random Dragons. You Will Get RANDOMNESS. (.....Uh, Hosts?)

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A/N: *screams cause the Hanging Tree song will NOT stop playing in my head*


Air: Nightflyer, we know.

Joy: We understood the FIRST time you told us. This is the 927th time. And we still get it.

Nightflyer: DO YOU?

Rainkeeper: YES!

Hosts: Faithbringer is NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, allowed to kiss, make-out with, touch, or look in the general direction of Nightflyer at any point in this ENTIRE dare. 

Nightflyer:.....I think you're starting to get it.

Hosts: *collective groan*

*Faithbringer appears*

Faithbringer: What am I doing here?

Seashell: You get to get your freakiness on.

Faithbringer: .....So kissing?

Joy: Yep.

Air: We have a list of random dragons that you will be making out with for the next month.

Faithbringer: Sick.

Rainkeeper: Yes. We hand chose this list. It's going to be gross.

Nightflyer: First up,

Joy: Macaw. *laughs evilly*

Seashell: *snaps talons* 

*Macaw appears*

Faithbringer: *grabs him and shoves him against the wall, making out with him*

Macaw: *enjoying this*

Air: *gasps* GUYS WE HAVE DISCOVERED A NEW SHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!



Nightflyer: Macawbringer?

Joy: Ew no, that could be interpreted wrong. 

Joy: Maithbringer?

Nightflyer: No.

Air: FACAW!!!!!

Joy: That sounds like Fuck off. Perfect.

Hosts: WE SHIP FACAW!!!!

Seashell: *snaps talons, Macaw disappears*

Joy: Next!

Nightflyer: Whirlpool.

*Whirlpool appears*

Faithbringer: Wow. That is one UGLY dragon.

Tsunami: *appears with her sisters* Oh, trust me.

Anemone: We know.

Auklet: *shudders*

Faithbringer: *makes out with Whirlpool*

Faithbringer: *spits on the ground after he leaves* Gross.

Nightflyer: Next?

Air: *laughs evilly* 

Nightflyer: No no, Air, yours is last.

Air: Awwww

Rainkeeper: Morrowseer.

*Morrowseer appears*

Joy: Can we kill him afterwards!?!?!

Rainkeeper: Of course Jo.

Joy: YAY!!!!

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