Drunk Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (Both)

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Joy: Okay.

Air: This won't be that bad.

Seashell: *shrugs* No big deal.


Nightflyer: *starts saying prayers*

Rainkeeper: Please have mercy.

*players appear*

Deathbringer: I have a good feeling about today.

Glory: Why the hell would you feel good about anything related to this game?


Deathbringer: Well sorry I'm in a positive mood. 

Rainkeeper: *appears behind bartender stand, starts mixing drinks*

Sunny:..........Glory, is your son acting as a bartender?

Glory: ...........What the-


Kinkajou: Yea?


Clay: Oh crap.

Turtle: I'm scared.

Starflight: *cowers*

Moon: Explain please?

Seashell:The dare is that we all have to get drunk and the boys have to look after us.

Riptide: Can we also be drunk?

Joy: No.

Rainkeeper: So, it's time for step one. *sets down a tray of margaritas* Drink.

Girls: *grin*

Boys: *look terrified*

Seashell: Let's add in a couple friends, shall we? 

*Kelp and Pear appear*

Rainkeeper:..................*starts praying with Nightflyer*

Deathbringer: You two are insane. This is gonna be awesome.

*an hour of hardcore drinking later*

Sunny: *giggles and stares at wine glass*

Sunny: It tastes like pig!

Carnelian: *silently sharpening a pool cue in the corner*

Clay: This job isn't so bad.

Umber: Why were you guys so worried?

Nightflyer: Um, well I'm a bit concerned about Carnelian...

Winter: She's fine.

*three hours later*

Joy: Hi KeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllP.

Kelp: Hi Joy.

Joy: *giggles*

Glory: *chugs a beer*

Glory: Hey DEATHY.

Deathbringer: *sly grin* Yea?

Glory: *pokes him* Yuuuur a- *hiccups*

Deathbringer: I'm a what?

Glory: Yur a mango-faced moron. *bursts out laughing*

Deathbringer:.........Well That didn't go as I expected....

Tsunami: Why is everyone here acting so crazy?

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