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Joy: *playing Ping-pong with Air*

Seashell: *reading Insurgent*

Nightflyer: *attempting to balance a ping-pong ball on his snout*

Rainkeeper: We've got a dare!

Seashell: Cool. *keeps reading*


Air: Really what?

Rainkeeper: *facetalons*

Rainkeeper:................Someone suggested that we bring Macaw in as a host.


Nightflyer: ANYTHING BUT THAT ANYTHINGBUTTHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seashell: *screaming in terror*

Joy:.....*sharps ping-pong paddle in a dagger*

Joy: It's simple. We kill the Batman.

Dean Winchester: I'M BATMAN!

Me: No no sweetie, let's go back to the mental hospital and get you some pudding.


Nightflyer:......I'm not even gonna ask.

*players appear*

Moon: Do I really have to do this?

Joy: Yep.

Turtle: Joy, why are you holding a sharpened ping-pong paddle?

Joy: Because I can.

Air: *checks a list*

Air: Really?

Joy: What?

Air: Somehow I think Macaw should be at the top of your 'Needs to die' list, not the scavenger that suggested he be a host.

Joy: Air, I've killed him at least 170 times by now. The fucker doesn't die.

Nightflyer: He doesn't? FUCK!

Seashell: Can we try again? Please?

Rainkeeper: I'd second that motion, but we have a dare to do first.

Moon: Fine.

Moon: Qibli?

Qibli: Yes?

Moon: I'm breaking up with you.

Qibli: **eyes nearly pop out of his head* WHAT!!!!

Winter: YES!!!! MY TURN B*TCHES!!!!!

Moon: Ew no. 


Seashell: *pats him on the back*

Turtle: Then who's next on your reign of terror list?

Kinkajou: Moon, I get that you're my best friend, but if it's Turtle I'm breaking your face.

Moon: Understood.

Turtle: And if it's Kinkajou I'm breaking your tail.

Moon: Got it.

Umber: And don't come to me, I'm gay.

Moon: Okay, well Qibli's single so you might have a shot.


Moon: Hi Carnelian.

Carnelian: Aw HELL no. 

Moon: You're looking pretty today.

Carnelian: Bite me.

Moon: If you insist.

Joy: *dying of laughter as she stabs Macaw with a ping-pong paddle*

Jade Winglet: *mortified*

Carnelian: .........................................Okay, I am slightly intrigued. 

Air: *disgusted face*

*3 days later*

Moon: *giggles* You're such a fiery dragon. 

Carnelian: Just because I now hate you slightly less than everyone else doesn't mean you should keep hitting on me.

Moon: But I like it. I like you.

Carnelian: Keep hitting on me and the next one getting hit is you.

Moon: I'll be worth it.

*4 days later*

Moon: Done?

Nightflyer: Done. 


Kinkajou: What?

Moon: The dare's over.

Umber: What dare?

Moon: ......The dare. You know, where I had to break up with Qibli and pretend to like Carnelian?

Winter: That was a dare?

Turtle: Really?


Carnelian: Hey, you were very convincing.

Moon: *stares like she's on the Office*

Air: I think this was a good one.

Nightflyer: Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Joy: Remember that time we had everyone convinced that Qibli and Winter were dating?

Air: Yeaaaaaa.

Joy: Good tiiiiiimes.

Hosts: *nod*

Kinkajou: Smokeberries?

Rainkeeper: Sooooooo many smokeberries.

Truth or Dare with the Dragonets of Destiny and The Jade WingletWhere stories live. Discover now