So, You're Locked In A Room With Winter And Ultimate Power....(J.W.)

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Joy: So, some scavengers have been giving me new weapons to play with.

Joy: And I MUST say that are lovely additions to my surplus.

Joy:...... But this one's probably my favorite.

Joy: *whips out flamethrower that shoots out Rainwing venom*

Joy: *sprays Macaw with it*

Macaw: *screaming in pain*

Joy: *maniacally laughing*

Other Hosts: *slowly back away*

*players appear*

Qibli: Hey....WE'RE ALONE!

Kinkajou: Geez, it's been a while.

Moon: What now?

Rainkeeper: Alright Winter, get in the closet.

Winter: Seven minutes in heaven!????

Seashell: Nope.

Winter: Oh. *opens closet door*

Winter:........ This one isn't gonna have those scavengers in it, will it?

Air: *glances up from laptop*

Air: Nah, you're good. Dean and Cas are dancing in their underwear to Avril Lavigne at the moment. 

Nightflyer: Wait what?

Air: You know, the cliche dance where you only wear a white shirt, your underwear, and socks and go on a dance montage?


Air: *shrugs* *goes back to looking at Supernatural stuff*

Air: Wait a sec....

Air: What's Wincest?

Rainkeeper: SHIT NO.

Seashell: *steals laptop*

Joy: *smashes laptop with Thor's hammer*

Thor: *appears*

Thor: *steals hammer*

Thor: *leaves*

Air: WHAT. THE. F-


Winter: *goes in closet*

Rainkeeper: *shoves Joy in closet and locks door*

Umber: Wait what?

Moon: Explain the dare. NOW.

Seashell: Joy has ultimate power and all the weapons in the world. She and winter have to stay i the closet all day. The only rule is that no making out is allowed.

Joy: *muffled through the door* THAT'S AN EASY RULE TO FOLLOW!

Kinkajou: So, what do we do in the meantime?

Nightflyer: I dunno.

Seashell: go about your lives?

Air: Watch me force these jerks into buying me another laptop?

Nightflyer: If you would stop looking up inappropriate things, we'd stop smashing your electronics.

Air:.......... NEVER.

*in the closet*

Winter: So. How am I going to die this time?

Joy: *sharpens knife*

Joy: What makes you think I'm gonna kill you right away? Maybe I want to have a conversation with my victim first.

Winter:............... You know, out of all the hosts, I hate you the most.

Joy:.......... Wait seriously?

Winter: Yea.

Joy: Even more than Seashell?

Winter: Definitely.

Joy:.......  BUT I'M ME!

Winter: and you suck.


Winter: wait.....

Joy: I mean, I'm murderous little me! I but the cute in execute!

Winter: That's not a good thing....

Joy: Well according to RasberryTheRainWing I also put the sass in assassin.

Winter: Still horrible.

Joy: You know if you keep talkin like this I will kill you.

Winter:........ Did you ever notice that assassin is basically ass ass in?

Joy:.......... Oh my moons....

Joy: Did you know that the word assassin was invented by Shakespeare?

Winter: Who the hell is that?

Joy: Don't worry about it- DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?

Winter: No.

*outside closet*




Nightflyer: WTF is going on in there?

Moon: Oh moons.

Carnelian: What?

Moon: Winter brought up the ass ass in again.

Umber: Wait what?

Moon: The word assassin is spelt ass ass in.

Umber: ....... I get it now, Joy. I get it.

Rainkeeper: Weren't we trying to make this book a bit more kid friendly?

Seashell:..... Welp we failed.

Nightflyer: Let's just put a Mature rating on the book and call it a day.

Seashell: FINALLY!

*several hours later*

Joy: *has Winter tied to a chair*

Joy: So many weapons to choose from....

Joy: Why not use them all?

Winter: *screams*

*one day later*

J.W.: *have gone home*

Joy: *walks out of closet whistling*

Air: Sup Joy.

Joy: I see you have a new laptop.

Air: YEP! And Nightflyer got it in pink for me even though they said it didn't come in pink.

Nightflyer: Burn a few hairs and you get what you want.

Joy: ........... Are you guys watching Netflix?

Air: Yep! Wanna join?

Joy: *glances back at Winter's dismembered corpse in the closet*

Joy: *shuts closet door*

Joy: Yea sure.

Hosts: *start binging Netflix*

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