"Touch my man again, and I'm gonna fúck you up!"

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Song: "Crazy Possessive" by Christina Aguilera


|| B. COOPER ||

As soon as the school bell went off, I gathered my things, stashing them in my backpack before standing up from my seat to join the sea of teenagers pouring out of the classroom, blending in with the ocean of people in the hallways. Locker doors slammed here and there, the whirring sound of locks being unlocked filling my ears as I made my way to my locker, which was down the hall, right across Veronica's. I held my books close to my chest, even if they all weren't academic, making sure I don't drop anything as I squeezed my way past the crowd, letting out a sigh of relief once the crowd started to get thinner as I neared my locker.

It was lunch time, probably the busiest period of the day besides dismissal time for the students of Riverdale High. Even teachers walked the halls, some choosing not to interact with the students in any manner while some got the guts to reprimand the students who are behind in their classes and school work and remind them of the requirements they lack. Students were making their way to the cafeteria, some to the lawn while some remained inside the building, finding comfort in the darkness of the corners.

As for me, I have a date.

It's not really a date date but my boyfriend and I still consider it as one. Yes, although Jughead and I haven't fully talked about it, in this past couple of weeks we both realized that it would be better for us if we were in a relationship not yet fully on a serious degree but a relationship nonetheless. We both loved being around each other, and besides, we've got all the time we needed to notice that we do have a thing for each other while working on our articles for the Blue & Gold as well as on our own bersion of the murder board investigating Jason Blossom's murder.

"Hey there, Juliet."I heard Jughead's familiar voice from behind me, causing me to turn around to face my handsome boyfriend. Up until the moment I asked him to come write with me for the school newsletter, I never noticed how handsome Jughead really was—believe me when I tell you this: Jughead is handsome.

And hot. Let's not forget that he's grown much sexier over the years despite his love for food.

"Hey, Romeo."I replied, a grin on my face, just like Jughead, leaning forward to place a light kiss on his lips. From the moment we've had our first kiss, it always seemed like we found it difficult keeping our hands off of each other, but thankfully, we've managed to control our desires. Unlike any other couple here in Riverdale High, Jughead and I want to take it slow—real slow. "How was your day?"I asked, looking up at my boyfriend.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that first?"He asked, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. "You didn't answer my question!"I protested, giggling softly as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "Well, mine is going great now that you're here."He spoke, and I swear I could melt because of his sweetness. Jughead and I had few classes together, much to our annoyance. In a day, the most number of classes we had were two, but Jughead, being the awesome boyfriend that he is, still manages to walk me to my next class before and after every single subject. I told him I'd do fine walking by myself, but he, of course, said that it was his duty to keep me company even in short moments such as walking me to class.

"Well isn't that sweet."A slow clap echoed through the hallway, the feminine voice that interrupted us drowning in sarcasm. Both Jughead and I turned to see who it was only to see Ethel standing in the middle of the hallway, a proud but blank look on her face, her posture straight but arrogant. She seems to be radiating some kind of pissed off vibe since from where I was standing, I could sense that she was angry—almost as if she could hurt someone. She started walking towards us, swaying her hips as she eyed Jughead, smirking at him before she turned her attention back to me. She had a glare on her face, and I know exactly why.

Everyone knows that Ethel has had a long-time crush on Jughead, but everyone also knows that Jughead has never had an interest for her. Since Ethel moved into Riverdale in gradeschool, she's brought Jughead cookies and other sorts of presents or baked goods, but since we were almost the best of friends back then because of Archie, I knew something no one else did—that Jughead hated Ethel and threw all the gifts she spoiled him with.

Right now, I'm guessing that Ethel's here to steal my man away from me. My man. Jughead is mine—he may be Jughead, Riverdale's outcast and signature loner, but he's my Jughead, and I won't let some friendzoned psycopath snatch him away from me.

If there were actually a lot of people here to witness this scene, a lot of them would have made a big deal about two girls fighting over Jughead since Jughead has always been known as a woman-hater until I came along and ripped that title off of him.

"What do you want, Ethel?"I asked, a frustrated groan escaping my lips as I rolled my eyes, looking at her. She was now standing about a meter away from us, but I could feel the tension prickling through my skin. "Oh, nothing. Just came to watch the best couple Riverdale has seen all these years exchange sweet words to each other."She shrugged, her gaze wandering off to Jughead for a moment. I'm not a possessive type of person, but for Jughead, I have become one.

I don't like the way she looks at Jughead, and how dare she look at him like that right in front of me.

"Ethel, you reek of jealousy."I replied. Ethel just let out a huff, slightly flipping her hair, looking at me with disgust. "You wish, Cooper. Everyone knows Jughead is playing around with you just so he could get closer to me."She said, taking a step towards Jughead. "But you know, Juggie, you don't have to toy around with her anymore just to get a taste from me."She spoke, her tone seductive as she bit her lip, smirking at Jughead, who rolled his eyes at her, taking a step back. But Ethel just took another step closer, her fingers tracing the side of his arm lightly, as if tempting him. Jughead has a look of pure disgust on his face, but Ethel didn't stop. I felt my eye twitch—who the hell does she think she is? It's hard keeping my temper under control,

Without my immediate knowledge, I pushed Ethel back, away from Jughead. "Touch my man again, and I'm gonna fúck you up!"I yelled at her, stepping in front of Jughead. "If you think for even one second that I'm letting you take Jughead away from me, you're wrong, you bîtch!"I exclaimed. I could feel Jughead holding me back, trying to keep my away from Ethel. His arms were wrapped around me, him whispering soothing words at me, trying to calm me down. But alas, that wasn't enough.

"I've tried being nice to you, but now, I'm done. I'm done!"At this point Ethel's back was already turned on me as she walked away from us, disappearing into another hallway. I felt my knees buckle after a while, Jughead's arms still around me, and thankfully his arms were around me, because if they weren't, then I could've hurt myself. His arms slowed down my journey to the floor, making my impact with the floor less painful. I have never been so angry in my life—I exploded. Maybe what I did or said to Ethel was wrong, but then she's had her fair share of sinning as well.

"Betty, look at me."Jughead said, lifting my chin up with his fingers, his hands soon cupping my cheeks as he knelt down in front of me on one knee. He was looking at me straight into my eyes, and I found myself getting lost in them as I stared back at his. "She's not gonna take me away from you—I'm not gonna let anyone or anything break us apart, not even if a civil war breaks out in this damn town."He assured, smiling at me. "Do you trust me on that?"He asked, and deep in my heart, I know that there only is one answer for that.



I don't want to demonize Ethel, but I just thought that she's so...innocent in the show. I knew I had to taint her with even just a little bit of evil.

I like Ethel, but it had to be done. I can't possibly use Cheryl for this because I doubt she'll ever have an attraction towards Jughead. Sorry to those who ship them (I don't know how and why they even have a fandom composed of a very few number of people), but I just don't think either of them stands a chance with each other. There are so many reasons why, but why don't we just settle with because Bughead is endgame.

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