"You don't go to parties much, do you?"

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Note that in this oneshot, Veronica is Betty's neighbor, not Archie.

Also if you're not comfortable with Dom/Sub or light BDSM, then I suggest for you not to read this. The first part of this is very innocent and the latter half is, well, not. But it does end with a fluff.


Sexual Content Ahead.




Betty Cooper rarely went to parties, especially the ones that were hosted by one of her best friends, Archie Andrews. She always thought they were too wild for her liking, and in those times she felt like she wanted to go, she would have something productive to do before a given deadline. She could never seem to catch a break from everything. They were juniors already, but Betty felt like's she's a few days away from graduating already from all the work that's been assigned to her.

"Please, Betty!"Archie pleaded, looking and sounding like he was on the verge of bursting into tears. He clung onto Betty's arm and shook it, whining. He and Veronica did everything they could think of to try and convince Betty to attend the party Archie was hosting at his house that night in light of recent events that included the success of their first exams. "It's gonna be extra extra fun this time! You're not gonna regret going!"

"You said that in the last hundred parties you tried to get me to attend, Arch."Betty sighed, shaking her head. "Besides, I have something to do tonight."

"But it's a Friday night! Can't it wait until tomorrow night?"He whined like a child who wantdd a piece of candy, his face scrunched up in a frown. "It can't, Archie-"

"Please, Betty!"Archie repeated, sounding more desperate than ever. Betty groaned in frustration, rolling her eyes, shoving her things in her bag. "If I say yes, will you stop bugging me?"Betty asked him, and like a very eager dog, Archie nodded his hesd so quickly that Betty thought it might fly off of his head. "I swear, Betty!"That's what he said the last time too, but Betty decided not to bring that up and gave a nod instead, walking away.

"So is that a 'yes I'll go to your party'?"Archie called out, watching as Betty walked further away.

"I'm not sure, I'll think about it!"


Veronica ended up having to bribe Betty into going to the party.

"I'm gonna fund a week's worth of Pop's meals for you if you come to the party."It just goes to show how Veronica and Archie were desperate to have her to the come to the party. Of course, if they didn't have some secret plan bubbling in their cauldron, they wouldn't be so desperate, but they did have something up their sleeves.

And Betty was too blinded by Veronica's bribe to even think about it.

"You have to wear something that says 'I'm not a virgin, but I'm not a whôre either.' Sounds so bombshell, right?"Veronica spoke as she skimmed through Betty's closet, now getting ready for Archie's party. The two have been best friends since Veronica moved in with her family at the house right next to Betty's when they were just four years old. Their windows have been facing each other for as long as they could even remember.

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