"I'll see you later?"

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Song: "Star Treatment" by Arctic Monkeys.


I really enjoy writing Drummer Jughead.



"You're on in twenty minutes!"

Jughead sighed as he downed another shot of vodka, wiping his lips with the back of his hand. Archie was beside him, nursing a bottle of beer, a huge grin on his face. The two of them, along with Reggie and Chic, made up Rebels, a small-town band from Riverdale that played gigs in bars and sometimes performed in diners. People say that their music is good, and if they make more of an effort, they could make it big in the music industry.

"This place is so boring."Reggie commented, returning from whoever girl it was he fooled around with, claiming the other seat beside Jughead. "Yeah, I know, they need good music."Archie nodded his head, earning a small laugh from both Reggie and Jughead.

"Dámn right, they do."Reggie snickered, looking around the bar. "Chic's late."

"Chic picked up his sister from the airport today, remember?"Archie sighed, shaking his head at Reggie's short-term memory. He said he'll take her to watch us perform today, and she'll also be moving here for her senior year."He reminded.

"Chic has a sister?"Reggie asked, eyes twinkling in delight, and another emotion that made Jughead's face scrunch up in digust. "Gross, Reggie. Don't even think about messing around with his sister. Chic will bust your âss if you do."

"Oh, please. Don't act so innocent now, Jones. When was the last time you got laid?"Reggie questioned, and Jughead shot him a glare, shaking his head. "None of your fücking business."He replied.

"Come on, have fun! You're twenty-one, not thirty!"Reggie groaned, nudging his best friend's shoulder. It was one of the reasons why the four of them chose to make their band—they were all best friends, since they were kids. They've stuck with each other all-throughout middle school and high school, and now, they were all in college, and still were stronger than ever.

"What so wrong with thirty year olds?"Jughead asked. "I just don't like having fun with girls I don't like, okay? I prefer having other kinds of fun, like drumming for you shîtheads."

"Woah, woah, what's with the language?"Archie chuckled, slinging an arm around Jughead's shoulders. "Dude, I swear, there are around six girls in this place who are drooling all over you right now."He told him, sneakily taking a scan around the room, both him and Reggie with smirks on their face. Jughead shrugged, and pushed Archie's arm off of him. "I don't care."

Jughead has always been the attractive one in the group—well, they were all attractive, but there has always been something about Jughead that always pulled people in, regardless of their sexuality. There were even times when he's made people question their sexuality, even straight guys.

Maybe it was the mysterious, 'fück you and everyone' bad boy vibe he has on him. No one knows for sure.

"Okay, I'm gonna pretend you didn't just say that."Reggie said, forcing a smile on his lips.

"Ten minutes!"The manager of the bar called to them. Just as he did, the bell by the door chimed, announcing someone's arrival. The three boys looked to the direction of the door, where Chic, stood, holding the door open for someone.

Jughead felt his breath snatched away from him.

A girl with the same blonde hair as Chic soon stepped in the bar, a smile on her face as she looked around the place. They could only assume that it was Chic's sister, based on their hair color and facial features.

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