"I know it, and you know it too."

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Song: "Young Men Dead" by The Black Angels


Part 2 of "It's a different kind of pleasure."


Mature and Triggering Content Ahead.



A day ago...

"I'm coming over to your place tonight, Betty."

Betty Cooper narrowed her eyes at Archie Andrews suspiciously. Ever since she started dating Jughead, she's made a promise to herself that her house would be, as much as possible, off-limits to boys, most especially Archie Andrews. Everyone knows how possessive Jughead could get, especially with Betty, so the fact that Archie had said he was coming over straight up just confused Betty. Why was he coming over?

"I need help with homework."Archie reasoned, holding up a textbook, giving her a sheepish smile. Betty nodded, cocking an eyebrow at him. "Why not do it at your house instead? Or at Pop's?"Betty asked him, and Archue would be lying if he said he didn't expect her to ask that question.

As a matter of fact, he's listed down all of Betty's possible responses, and what she said was the first on his list.

"My dad's having some of his pals from out of town over, I don't really want people around when I'm studying. They start getting noisy."Archie explained, gripping on the strap of his backpack tightly, shrugging his shoulders lightly. "Study habits, I guess."

"Since when did you take studies seriously?"Betty asked with a huff, shutting her locker door and swung her bag over her shoulder. "I was planning on getting some rest very early on tonight, Arch. Can't you find someone else?"

It was a lie. Betty didn't plan on sleeping early at all. In fact, she planned on skyping Jughead for as long as they both could. They haven't been able to hang out much lately, since they were in different schools now. He was adopted by a family in the Southside, which basically meant he needed to attend classes and continue his schooling in Southside High. Sure, they promised to visit each other as much as they could, but lately they've been too busy that all they wanted to do after finishing their schoolwork was to call or facetime each other until they fall asleep.

"Veronica's not available tonight."

It was a lie. Archie knew Veronica would be home at the Pembrooke the entire night. He didn't bother asking Veronica if she could help him do his homework. Why did he lie to Betty, though?

"I don't have anyone else to ask, Betty. I know you're not doing much tonight."

"Can't it wait another time?"

"No!"Archie replied, the tone of his voice raising with panic. Betty stared at him, eyes wide shock as she eyed him weirdly. "No, because I know that every night from now on, you'll be busy too. Going on dates with Jughead."

Yes, Archie knew all about that. He overheard a phone call between them one time at lunch, where Betty suggested that since they won't have anything heavy to finish before the week ends, they could meet up every night and hang around to make up for lost time.

Betty, albeit reluctant about letting Archie come over, nodded her head. "Alright, but only for an hour or two."What Betty didn't know was that Archie had many ideas, a devious smirk hidden underneath his charming smile.

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