"Betty joined the Blue and Gold today."

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Song: "Why" by Sabrina Carpenter



Toni Topaz didn't understand how Jughead Jones and Betty Cooper hit it off with each other.

She's known Jughead for over a decade already, yet she haf no idea how someone like him could've ended up with a girl like Betty. She could even remember him on one of their shifts in the Twilight Drive-In, which also happened to be the night Betty moved into town. Betty had been with her friend Veronica Lodge that night, currently on a night-out with Veronica and since she was new to the town, she thought it would've been nice to have a look around.

Toni had been handling the popcorn machine that night, and Jughead was at the register. She could remember how awestruck he was when he first saw Betty, wearing that typical ponytail and pastel-colored clothes—the all-around American good girl.

Jughead, on the other hand, still wore a black Metallica shirt and black ripped jeans despite their employer's 'strict' policy for the employees to wear the proper uniform. His overall look screamed his personality—the quinyessential bad boy in every cliché love story. The Danny Zuko to her Sandra Dee.

Toni remembers very well how Jughead would blabber oj and on about how amazing and beautiful Betty is. Apparently, they had a lot of classes together in Riverdale High, and though Jughead hasn't spoken to her much, he'd always find something new everyday about her to mention to Toni.

"Betty likes to read."

"Betty's a writer too. You know I have a soft spot for writers—of the crime fiction and mystery genre, that is. Betty likes those."

"Betty isn't as vanilla as you think she is, I swear."Toni didn't even mention to him how vanilla she thought she was. She didn't even think Betty was vanilla at all. All she knew was that Jughead didn't like vanilla, and since he liked Betty, that meant she wasn't vanilla either.

"Betty's so pretty, I really mean it. Have you seen her smile?"

"Betty's eyes change depending on the lighting. Sometimes they're either really blue or really green, and sometimes they're just blue or green. I don't know. Her eyes can't make up their mind—not that I'm saying eyes have minds."

"Betty joined the Blue and Gold today."Toni thinks that what started it all. She may not be a student in Riverdale High, but she did know that the Blue and Gold meant the world to Jughead, and Betty joining the school paper also symbolized that she had become a part of Jughead's life as well—an essential part, as a matter of fact.

It wasn't until then that Jughead and Betty got closer. He would sometimes even cancel their night-out at Pop's because he and Betty would hang out instead, and Toni wasn't even pissed by it, not at all. She's never seen Jughead so happy before he met Betty, and that's all she wanted for him: happiness.

She didn't care if Betty and Jughead were polar opposites. They both had things that connected them on a deep level, things that Toni and Jughead didn't even have in common. Honestly, even if Toni was a Southsider like Jughead, Betty had so much more in common with him in the couple of week she had known him than Toni has in over a decade.

And that was saying a lot, considering that she was a Northsider.

Toni even thinks that they're the reason that the two divisions of Riverdale united—she even thought that they didn't have to adjust to the world, because it was the world who had to adjust for them. Betty and Jughead, the unseparable, unbreakable duo.

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