"The culture of our family, nonetheless."

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Song: "O Willow Wally"


We lay my love and I beneath the weeping willow.
But now alone I lie and weep beside the tree.

Singing 'Oh willow waly' by the tree that weeps with me.
Singing 'Oh willow waly' till my lover return to me.

We lay my love and I beneath the weeping willow.
A broken heart have I. Oh willow I die, oh willow I die.

"You'll never catch me!"

The little girl's giggles echoed through the meadow, a joyful tune that lifted the terrors that happened and the darkness that was cast over  the place. She was just six years of age, her blonde hair tied into a neat ponytail with a ribbon as she ran around wearing her pretty red dress.

"I can catch you if I wanted to!"

The girl was chased around by a boy, a boy just a few months older than her with unruly black hair topped with a grey beanie. He wore a red dress shirt and black pants due to his father's request.

"Then why don't you catch me?"The girl replied teasingly, continuing to run around. The boy was jogging, not running, but even then had to slow down every once in a while because he was getting closer to beating her.

"Because if I do, then you'll lose the game."He told her, halting in his tracks once she did, leaning against the trunk of a tree, catching her breath. "I know you like winning."

"I thought you like winning too."The girl shot back, wiping her palm over her forehead, which had already started to sweat. It was a lovely summer afternoon, and the two children had been out in the meadow for two hours already, chasing each other around for nearly twenty minutes.

"I do, but whenever I have to, I'll make myself lose so that you will win."

"Elizabeth! Forsythe!"Alice Cooper called the children by their names, making them wince. They much prefered to be called Betty and Jughead, but of course their families, being elite and sophisticated folks, prefered the original ones.

"Come inside, we're done with our meeting. We'll be saying goodbye to Jughead and his father soon."

Betty and Jughead were very close friends mostly because of their families. Every now and then their families, along with a few others would have what they call 'meetings' in the Spellman's mansion—which is shared with the Coopers—in the room with the big velvet doors.

The room that no child, not even Betty or Jughead, was allowed to enter.

Only the older ones in their family can join the meetingd, like their parents. They say that Betty and Jughead would be allowed to join them in six years, once they turn twelve, and neither of them know why. No one would tell them what it was about.

Today was the first time that Chic, Betty's older brother, joined the meeting. He had turned twelve two weeks ago, and after careful deliberation between the adults, they decided it was time to let him join. Polly, Betty's older sister, was due to join them in three years.

Betty was saddened by the fact that Jughead was leaving soon. Sure, she would see him again in school the next day, but it was one day too long without him. They've known each other since they were infants, and both of them are inseparable, except for whenever one of them needs to go home and leave the other for a while.

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