"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a robbery to get back to."

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Song: "Bellbottoms" by The Jon Spencer Blues Explosives



Rebels without a cause—the perfect description for Elizabeth Cooper and Forsythe Pendleton Jones III.

"You ready, baby?"

If they had to have a reason for why they were doing whatever the hell it is they do, the most accurate answer would be: "Because we do what we want."

Elizabeth and Forsythe—more commonly known as Betty and Jughead, have been together for five or six years. If they were going to be honest, they've lost track of how long they've been together, but they do remember how they met like it just happened.

They met in a bank.

The Abbey Bank, to be specific, and though it may sound like a boring and unusual place to meet the love of your life, they didn't meet under any circumstance that you think. Yes, they met in the Abbey Bank, quarter to one in the afternoon, but they weren't just standing in the line and their eyes suddenly met, no.

They were robbing the bank.

The Abbey Bank was an easy target, both of them knew that, and—as if it was carefully strategized by the multiverse—they made separate plans to have a low-key quick bank robbery. Betty made her plan with Veronica, her best friend, and assigned her to be this time's get-away driver while Jughead forced Archie, his best friend, to be the get-away driver for their small 'mission'.

Betty and Jughead arrived at the bank at the same time, not even sparing a glance, and stormed straight inside. Both sneaked into separate rooms—Betty charmed her way into the surveillance room and took down all cameras, while Jughead decided to fight his way in, keeping it hushed and hiding the guards' bodies into the closets and random rooms. Betty crawled through the vents, thinking that the guards were still there, and climbed out once she spotted the huge safe.

Once she climbed down, though, she heard a gun click.


Betty turned around, thinking she was busted, but instead her gaze locked with Jughead's. They were both wearing masks at this point, but their eyes—their eyes were practically connected. Both took off their masks, taking once step closer.

Holy fúck, she's so perfect.

How could someone look so handsome?

"So are we just gonna keep standing and staring here?"Betty spoke, arms now folded over her chest as she tilted her head up slightly to meet Jughead's eyes. On the other hand, Jughead, who was inches taller than Betty, looked down at her, a sly grin playing on his lips. "Actually, miss, I think you've got the wrong hallway to the restrooms—you're standing in my way."Jughead teased, taking another step closer. "Step aside."

Betty huffed and put on a smirk.

"I'm right where I want to be, Donnie Darko."

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a robbery to get back to."Betty spoke, turning around, walking into the vault. She was swaying her hips slightly, and as Jughead watched her fill her bags with money, his eyes shone like he just saw a star.

And he did see a star, because Betty Cooper—even though he knows nothing about her except for the fact that she's a criminal too—is the brightest, most beautiful star he has ever laid his eyes on.

"Are you busy on Friday night?"He asked, placing his hands on his hips, keeping his eyes on her. Betty looked up from what she was doing and laughed softly, swining the bag over her shoulder. "Shouldn't you ask for my name first?"She asked, and Jughead smirked.

"Fine then. What's your name?"Jughead asked, and Betty stood in front of him. "Betty."She replied, folding her arms over her chest. Jughead felt his stomach twist in knots, his mind melting as he repeated her name over and over again in his head.

"Wow, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl."He flirted, smiling slyly as Betty let out a scoff. "I bet you say that to all girls."She said, rolling her eyes at him.

"Only if their name is Betty and if they're just as beautiful as you are."He replied smoothly, which caused Betty to smile. She took another step closer to him, staring up at his eyes as Jughead stared down into hers. "What about you? What's your name?"

"Jughead."He replied, and Betty's eyebrows creased. "Is that because you're always wearing that beanie?"

"There's a story behind that name and this beanie."Jughead spoke, shrugging his shoulders lightly. "It's a good one, I think."He said, and Betty laughed softly. "I'd love to hear it sometime, Jughead."Betty smiled. She pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket and a pen from her jacket and started to write something down, turning around so Jughead wouldn't see it. After a while she turned back to face him, handing him the folded paper, walking out of the place.

Before Betty stepped out of the door, she turned back to look at Jughead, leaning against the door. "Just so you know, I'm not busy on friday night."Jughead unfolded the paper once Betty left and smirked. It had her number on it, with her name on top.

Jughead planned to call her as soon as he got back to the getaway car.


Part 2?

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