So here's an update on me...

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Hello guys! It's Abby, back from quarantine (lol I'm just kidding, quarantine/lockdown here in my country isn't over yet and it probably won't be for a while). I got a lot of free time lately, considering that I'm already on Week Four (or Five??? I don't really know anymore) of being locked up at home, but instead of using all of my free time to write and edit the stories that I promised were gonna be republished last January (oops, better get back to that soon), I actually tried something new.

No, it's not knitting.

Believe it or not, I'm actually trying to become a video editor—and it's not just any video editor, mind you. You know those cool fan edits on instagram? Yeah, those types of video edits.

So far I'm actually doing good at it. Considering that I just finished my first REAL edit just a couple minutes ago. It involved a lot of hard work and there were just as many happy moments as there were tears and breakdowns because my software started crashing last night when I was planning to finish the edit. I had to re-download the software and the breakdown was mostly because I thought that none of my progress was saved.

Anyway, you might be wondering why I'm telling you all this...well, I'm doing this to advertise.

Yes, I am shamelessly advertising myself because a couple days ago, me and my sister created a joint account dedicated for Harry Styles (her stan) and Cole Sprouse (my stand) which features all current and future edits that we will be creating.

So yeah, I'm dead serious about this editing gig, lol.

If you want to see our content (so far), you can find us on our insta, @sott.aep . There, we will be posting daddy content! We're having fun so far and I'm really enjoying this whole editing thing. I used to just be a watcher, but now I guess I'm a creator too.

We posted a sneak peek of my edit on the account to ask if anyone wants a dedication, so if you want a dedication for that edit, go see the post! I'm not entirely sure how it works since my sister handles all that stuff and basically I just edit...and keep track of followers...(she's actually been bugging me to advertise our account, so here I am).

I'm not forcing anyone to follow us or go check out the account, but if you want to follow us, go ahead!

Now that I said all that...I will be posting the next chapter Mr. and Mrs. Jones later on. I'm not yet done revising it. Also, if you want to suggest a oneshot or a prompt, just comment it and we can discuss the deets!

P.S. @sott.aep , guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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