"Don't let go."

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Song: "Issues" by Julia Michaels


|| B. COOPER ||

Something is very wrong with me.

I stared down at the palm of my hands, which were stained red as blood oozed out of the deep crescent cuts that were marked by my fingernails. My hands shook as I stared at the wounds with disgust, my mind filled with shame of myself. If someone ever saw me this way, every single thing people thought about me will suddenly fade away. People always make a big deal about how lucky I was for being me, but honestly, I hate me.

I hate my life.

I hate having to deal with all the bullshít that goes on at this point of my stupid, horrid life.

"Have you guys read the news today?"Jughead asked, a look of slight disappointment and a hint of irritation on his face. "They're gonna be building a diner as a replacement for the Twilight Drive-In."He said, rolling his eyes as he spoke. He was seated beside me, both Archie and Veronica seated on the other side of the booth we have claimed as ours. Having night outs here at Pop's has become part or our daily routine, especially now that we were all seniors. Time is a very important thing—and now we're running out of it.

"That's not good news."Archie said, sighing softly, draping an arm around Veronica's shoulders, who had a frustrated look on her face. "What the hell? That diner will surely compete against Pop's!"She spoke, obviously pissed out by this whole situation. Trust me, I am too, but I have far more issues going on in my head at this point of my life to even clear out a small area in my mind for this whole diner competition problem. Truthfully, PopTate is a strong man—he will be able to produce and sell more than that new diner they're talking about.

Speaking of issues, Jughead and I have been very distant lately despite this year possibly being togetehr physically since next year we will be having our own plans for college. I think it was because I have been distancing myself from him, keeping to myself, refusing to open up to him whenever he asked me if soemthing was wrong.

"Betts, you've been very quiet lately."Jughead soon pointed out, turning to face me. He leaned his back against the wall, slightly resting his head on the window. "Is there something wrong?"He asked, a genuinely concerned look on his face. I appreciate him for always dealing with me the way a gentleman and real boyfriend should, especially even after I've been treating him wrongly for a week now. I wish I could just tell him everything that's bottled up in my chest, but I can't. I can't share my problems with him and make them his as well—it's just too much to ask.

"I'm fine."I replied, but the look on Jughead's face clearly displayed dissatisfaction. He was unimpressed with my reply, obviously. "Those are the exact two words you've been telling me this past week."Jughead can see right through me, and for the past week, he's let it slide. Surely he'll confront me about this in the near future. I lightly dabbed the palm of my hands on my denim jeans, transferring some of the blood to the dark fabric. I kept my hands under the table, my eyes meeting Jughead's, realizing that the time he will confront me about my issues is right now.

I can't stand being in the same room as him right now—not because I hate him, but because I'm ashamed of myself. I don't want him to see me like this. As much as I want to be vulnerable around him, I can't bring myself to.

"I just need some air. I'll be right back."I announced, standing up from my seat. Knowing Jughead, he will surely follow me, and so I didn't bother turning around to glance at him to see if he, indeed, was following me. I walked towards the door, exiting the small one-storey building, heading to the back. Jughead didn't even call my name–I was starting to doubt that he will even dare follow me or if he will get conscious of the way I acted. What if he didn't come?

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