"We may be soulmates, but it's a shame we had to grow up."

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Song: "Somebody Else" by The 1975



Chuck Clayton is a lucky man.

Jughead Jones took another swig of the flask in my hands, which was now half-filled with Hennessy. He was a little bit tipsy, but alcohol was something he had grown used to over the past three years. It was something his body has learned to tolerate, and he could drink on and on without being too much intoxicated. At this moment, Jughead was still on the sober side.

Chuck Clayton is a goddâmn lucky man, Jughead thought to himself.

Just as his mind was about to say more, the organ echoed throughout the hall, the overrated Wedding March filling his head, everyone's heads turning to face the far end of the aisle.

And there she was.

Betty Cooper stood at the end of the aisle, wearing a sheek, white wedding gown with a slightly long trail. She had a veil clipped onto her hair, which was styled elegantly into an updo. She had a smile on her face, her arm linked with Hal Cooper, her teary-eyed father.

That should be me standing on the altar, Jughead thought. It should be me who's marrying Betty Cooper.

"We're written on the stars."Betty used to tell him, whenever they snuck out late at night when they were younger. "You and me, we're meant to be."She whispered to him, her voice soft and promising. And Jughead was stupid enough to fall for her stupid promises. "Promise me you'll never leave me?"Jughead would always ask her, and she would nod in respone, a smile on her naturally pink lips. "It's gonna be the two of us, forever and ever. Right, Juggie?"She'd tell him, and Jughead would always have one response.

"Forever and ever, babe."

It turned out that the stars were always wrong, because on their first year of college, Betty and Jughead broke up.

Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones, no more.

"Aye mate,"Archie whispered in a low voice, a look of concern in his face as he watched his best pal stare at Betty with teary eyes and a pn angry look on his face. "You alright? I think you need to get some air, man."He told Jughead, who chuckled sarcastically in response.

"The funny thing is, Betty and I used to always fantasize about how our marriage was supposed to be like."Jughead spoke bitterly, a tear falling down his cheek. "And here I am, watching her walk down the aisle—from the wrong side of the church because it should be me on that altar and not Chuck."I ranted, starting to cry. Few people started to take notice, but they left Jughead alone.

Veronica was Betty's maid of honor, and her heart started to ache as she spotted Jughead in the crowd, a look of obvious hurt on his face, accompanied by the tears on his face. She glanced at Betty, whose smile had disappeared as soon as she reached the altar. She was standing in front Chuck, staring down at her feet while Chuck avoided looking at her.

"She always said we were soulmates, and the world couldn't tear us apart."Jughead sniffed, his fists clenching. "But look at what's left of us now."He scoffed. "We may be soulmates,"He croaked, taking his flask once again, drinking the remaining alcohol in one gulp. "But it's a shame we had to grow up."

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