'I'm not who people think I am.'

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Song: "Mad World" by The Riverdale Cast (Lili Reinhart, Camila Mendes and KJ Apa)



Betty Cooper may look like she's innocent, but deep inside, she's very far from it.

"Why do I need to cover for you again?"Veronica sighed, looking at her and rolling her eyes. The dynamic duo was in Betty's room, preparing for a 'sleepover'—or at least, that's what Alice Cooper thinks it is.

"I'm going on a date with Jughead tonight, remember?"Betty replied, throwing her things into her duffel bag, which she had actually packed already—Veronica cannot know what she has in her bag (things for her fun time with Jughead, of course), and she definitely can't know about the truth of what she's going to go to. Sure, she was going to be with Jughead, but she won't be alone with him.

"Oh yeah, right. With your older 'boyfriend' who's also a gang leader."Her best friend mocked, still seated on her bed. After all those months that Betty has been dating Jughead, Veronica still couldn't believe that they were together. They only got together in the Southside, and the only person who knew they were a couple, besides the Serpents, was Veronica. If anyone else knew about them, especially Betty's parents, they would ground her for life.

"First of all, he's not that old. He's just twenty-one. And second, he's my boyfriend, Veronica. Southsider or not, I love him."Betty defended, zipping up her bag. "And he loves me."

"Well, if he hurts you, let me know right away and I'll make sure he'll never see the light of day again."Veronica threatened, standing up, ready to leave. The plan was that she would drive Betty to the border between the Northside and Southside, where Jughead would be waiting for her, ready to pick her up in his motorcycle.

"He will never hurt me, Veronica."She said to her, and remained silent as they left her room and headed to Veronica's car. "What are you and Jughead gonna do, anyway?"

"Trust me, you don't wanna know."Betty smirked, looking out of the window as they sped past the luxurious houses of the Northside, and soon enough the trailer park of the Southside came into view.

"Okay, we're here."Before Veronica could even finish, Betty was running out of the car already, running straight to the tall figure standing beside a motorcycle—Jughead Jones.

"I missed you, baby."Jughead smiled, opening his arms wide as she ran to him. She jumped onto him and he caught her, their lips immediately finding their way to each other. Veronica stood awkwardly by the car, rolling her eyes at them.

"There are children here!"Veronica said, teasing them. Betty pulled away, biting her lip softly, resting her forehead on his. Jughead put Betty down on her feet, and then turned to Veronica. "Don't worry, I missed you too, Veronica."He said.

"Yeah, right."Veronica rolled her eyes, and then opened the car door to the driver's seat of her car once again. "Bring her back in one piece by ten in the morning tomorrow. I'll pick her up here." Jughead gave a salute. "Yes ma'am."He teased, and they both watched as Veronica left.

"Hop on, my future Serpent queen."Jughead said, riding the motorcycle, turning the engine on. He handed her his helmet, which had a crown carved onto it. Betty smirked, and took her ponytail off, getting onto the motorcycle as well behind Jughead, putting the helmet on and then wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Let's go."She said, and they rode into the Southside. There wasn't much to see because it was dark, but from the dark glow of the neon lights that appeared from above them, Betty knew were he had taken her—the Whyte Wyrm.

"Are you sure you still want to do the initiation?"He asked as they got off his motorcycle. She nodded in reply. "Yes, of course I'm sure."She said, leaning up to kiss his lips. "I want to do this for you."

"Okay."He smiled, and led her into the bar. As soon as Betty entered, all eyes turned to her—she is the center of attention most especially that night, after all.

"You ready?"Jughead asked, leading her up the stage, where a pole was placed at the middle of it. Betty wore a sleeveless button-up blouse and skirt, so that she can easily do her initiation. Besides, she wanted to impress Jughead. "I'm ready."She said.

"Serpents, I present to you your future queen."Jughead announced into the microphone, looking at Betty, who walked to the microphone and took Jughead's place. He walked down and leaned by one of the pool tables, watching his girlfriend.

All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early on their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere

Betty sang along with the music, her hips swaying slowly. Her hands moved up her body to her blouse, which she started to unbutton, slowly revealing the black lingerie she had inside. Jughead's eyes were focused on her, watching the movement of her hips and her hands, hypnotised by her.

Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head, I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow

Soon enough her clothes have fallen to the floor, leaving her in her lacy black lingerie, her hair down past her shoulders. Her gaze met Jughead's and she smirked, moving over to the pole, her hand wrapping around it as she turned around it. The other Serpents couldn't help but watch as she danced, all of them entranced by her movements. Most especially Jughead.

'You have never been the good girl.'A voice inside her head spoke as she danced. 'This is where you belong—as the Queen of the darkness.'

And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very mad world

'I'm not who people think I am.' She thought to herself as she finished her dance, moving over to the microphone. She kept her eyes on Jughead, who had his jaw clenched already, struggling to keep him hands to himself. Struggling to stay put in his place and not move to the stage and drag her to the nearest room.

"Mad world,"She sang, staying there as the song ended. There was a moment of silence before the Serpents cheered, and Jughead walked up the stage, now holding a pink Serpent jacket in his hands. He stood behind her as he put the jacket on her, a smirk on his lips as he leaned down to whisper in his ear.

"Welcome to the Southside Serpents, my Queen."


Just posting a bunch of fics that I wrote in amino, but haven't posted here. They're old oof.

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