"I'm sick and tired of this."

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Song: "Scared To Be Lonely" by Martin Garrix feat. Dua Lipa


|| B. COOPER ||

"My boss just talked to me earlier, and he says I need to work a couple more hours."

I put down my utensils quite harshly, placing my hands on my forehead, letting out a sigh as I rested my elbow on the table. Jughead let out a deep breath and continued eating his dinner, though after a few more bites he put his utensils down as well. "I knew you were gonna react this way."

"You're never home, Jughead!"I spoke, sighing softly. "And when you are home, you pretend like I don't exist!"

"Well what am I supposed to do? Quit my job so that I can be with you more?"Jughead asked, his tone raising as he looked at me, an eyebrow raised. I looked at him, staring at him blankly with my eyebrows furrowed. "You said you wanted to be a princess, and I told you that I would make you my queen. How the hell am I supposed to do that if I won't work and get the money to buy everything you want?"

"Goddammit, Jughead!"I screamed, standing up from my seat, throwing my plate aside. "Is it hard to tell your boss that you can't do more hours because you have a girlfriend at home who wants to spend more time with you? Is it hard to go home every night and enter this house and pretend that I'm here? That I exist just as much as you do?"I could feel the tears threatening to spill from my eyes, my voice cracking as I spoke to him.

"I'm sick and tired of this."I said, sitting back down on my chair, wiping my tears. I could see the regret start to flood Jughead's face, his eyes starting to tear up. "Don't, Betty. Don't leave me."He pleaded, getting off of his seat, kneeling beside me. He took my hands in his as I continued to weep, hanging my head low, ashamed for him to see me like this.

"Betty, I hate fighting with you, I really do."He whispered, holding my hand with one of his hands while the other caressed my cheek, wiping the tears away. "I'm sick of this too, Betts."He said, tilting my head to face him, but I kept it down, letting my tears flow freely. "Why do we even fight?"I asked, keeping my voice low. "Maybe because I get clingy to you—"

"I love you, Betty."Jughead cut me off, holding my face in his hands, making me look at him, straight into his eyes. "I love you too, Jughead."I replied, smiling slightly at him, seeing a smile on his face. "How about this,"He started, helping me up, leading the both of us to the couch where we sat down.

"Let's start over. No more fights, no more bullshît. Just you and me and that perfect life we always dreamed of having."Jughead proposed, smiling at me. I stayed silent for a while, smiling as well, before looking at him, nodding. "I'd like that."I pressed my lips against his, my arms going around his neck as his went around my waist.


"I think you and Jughead need to break up."

I rinsed the dishes under the cold water, turning to face Veronica, furrowing my eyebrows. "Why would I do that?"I asked, looking at her in disbelief. What Veronica said shocked me—I know that Jughead and I aren't in the best place right now, but I wouldn't leave him, and neither would he leave me.

"Betty, I can hear you and Jughead from next door."Veronica spoke with concern, hands cupping her mug filled with coffee. After graduating college we—Me, Jughead, Veronica, and Archie—moved into two houses that are right next to each other here in the Northside of Riverdale, where we were from. Prior to that, me and Jughead lived together in a studio apartment in New York, both of us studying college in NYU.

In highschool, in college, we were star-crossed lovers. We were young, too much blinded in love, with the fantasy of living the perfect life in our own little perfect world together. But now that we're grown ups, we had to grow up. Reality struck us—hard.

"I'm not breaking up with him. Not now, not ever."I fought, placing the plate on the rack, leaving for it to dry. "Jesus, Betty! You're fighting every night! And if not at night, in the morning!"Veronica ranted, trying to get some sense into my head. "Me and Archie are getting sick and tired of you fighting, yelling at each other! I have to stay at home every single day and listen to you fight, then pretend like everything's fine, then yell at each other again! I will not have it, Betty Cooper!"

"I love Jughead, Veronica!"I yelled, putting the glass I was washing down before I threw it to her direction, turning around to face her. "I am not leaving Jughead because we fight over stupid things! Heck, I never complained or told you to break up with Archie whenever you fought! Whenever you ranted to me about how you hated fighting with Archie, I never told you to leave him!"

Veronica couldn't say anything, she just kept her head down and kept stirring her coffee. I kept my stare on her, trying my hardest not to throw a plate on her. She stood up, sighing softly. "Betty, your fights with him are getting worse. Why can't you see that?"She asked, looking at me.

I walked towards her slowly, keeping a straight look on my face, a frown on my lips. Standing in front of her, I stared down at her, staying silent for a while.

"Jughead's at work, and when he gets home—which is in about thirty minutes, I'm going to welcome him with open arms and eat dinner peacefully with him. And I will keep the dining area curtains open so that you can watch us eat the roast beef and apple pie I prepared for him because guess what? I am pregnant with his baby, and nothing is gonna change that."

Veronica's jaw dropped at my words, but she closed it right afterwards. She shifted uncomfortably, finding it hard to stare at me right into my eyes. It was true, what I said to her. "Yesterday morning, I went to the doctor for a check up because I wasn't feeling well, or at least, that's what I thought, the  I found out that I was three weeks pregnant with his child."

I placed my hand on my stomach instinctively, thinking of what else to say to her, but nothing came to my mind for a moment. It looked like she wanted to say something, but kept it to herself. This was not how I wanted to break the news of my pregnancy to Veronica, or to anyone else. What if this is what happens tonight with Jughead?

But then I remembered what Jughead told me that we'd start over. I know deep in my self that I have nothing to worry about.

"He won't have any idea about this little chat of ours, not tonight, that is. He's gonna be happy about it, I'm gonna be happy about it, and you'll be back in your house, waiting for Archie to come home, regretting what you just said to me earlier."I added, letting out a deep breath afterwards.

"You know the way out of the house, Veronica. I have to continue preparing for tonight's dinner."

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