"I want to see her smile."

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Song: "Jingle Bell Rock" by The Vamps


|| J. JONES ||

Every year, we had the annual Secret Santa celebration hosted by Kevin Keller himself. It was only the five of us at first, and over time Cheryl, Josie, Reggie, and the others started joining in.

Of course, this year was no exception. It even felt like the universe was against us, the core four—Archie picked Betty, and I, unfortunately, picked Veronica.


Of course it had to be the Park Avenue Princess.

The person I wanted to pick so desperately was the vice versa of the one I got—Betty Cooper.

Veronica and Archie are dating, so it would make sense if he picked her for Secret Santa, right? Like it's some sign that they really are meant to be together, but I guess not.

Not that I'm against them dating, but the universe is an absolute bîtch. Sometimes, you pick the person you want to, and oftentimes you don't.

But yeah, I wanted to be Betty Cooper's Secret Santa. Why?

Come on, it's Betty Cooper we're talking about. She's a goddess, an angel, and is totally a Nancy Drew. She's one of a kind, and she's a really special person.

Well, that and the fact that I've liked her since we were kids.

"Who did you pick?"Archie asked as we were walking down the hallway to our Chemistry class. "For the Secret Santa, I mean."

"Veronica."I simply replied with a sigh. "What about you? Who'd you pick?"

"Betty Cooper."

I stopped dead in my tracks, turning to face Archie immediately. "Wanna trade?"I was hoping he'd say yes, for two reasons. One, because he picked Betty, and two, I have no idea what I'll give Veronica.

"No, Jug."He said, shaking his head. "Come on, dude, I don't know what I'll give her!"

"Isn't it your obligation to give her something, though? Since you're her boyfriend? So why not save yourself a penny and buy one gift just for Veronica, instead of buying two for both Betty and Veronica?"

Archie bit his lip and looked down at his shoes, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "Yeah, about that..."

"Veronica and I broke up yesterday."

"What the hell dude, why'd you do that?"I asked him.

"I don't know, she started to fight."Archie shrugged, figuratively pointing the finger at Veronica. "Ask her."

"You go ahead and fix your own problems, I'll go find a gift for the Princess."

I wasn't referring to Veronica.


"Welcome to this year's annual Secret Santa!"Kevin cheered, clapping his hands.

"Let's get this over with, it's not a huge celebration anyway."Cheryl rolled her eyes. "I mean, look at this, we're in a student lounge, totally not the place for a party!"

"Well then if you're so keen on bashing Kevin's traditions, why don't you go ahead and leave? The door's over there, Cheryl. Go and plan your own Secret Santa."Betty shot back with a frown, annoyance in her voice. The group was quiet—Betty barely snapped at anyone, but recently, she has been doing it a lot.

Maybe it's stress from home, or from school. I don't really know since I don't have the guts to ask her. Why? I'm afraid that if I do ask her about it, more secrets of mine will be spilled than hers.

I can't tell her about my feelings, because we're best friends and this will definitely change things. Besides, even though Archie's with Veronica (sans the break up), I'm pretty sure she's still not over the Ginger Judas.

"Geez, calm down, will you? What's with the sass, cousin?"Cheryl snapped back, cut off only by Kevin clearing his throat loudly to get everyone's attention. "So yeah, let's start, shall we?"

I was the last to give my gift, and by that time it was already obvious who I picked. Veronica, of course, since she was the only one in the group left without a gift.

"Jughead, go ahead. Give your gift."Veronica said, egging me on, pretending to be unaware that it's her that I picked. I stood up from my seat, grabbed my two gifts, and walked over to the center, like Kevin all required all of us to do.

"Well, I picked Veronica, but I'm sure you all already know that."I said, and Veronica's jaw dropped on cue. What a fake.

I handed her the smaller gift of the two, much to Veronica's dismay since she was obviously expecting to have both.

"I know that this is Secret Santa and we're only supposed to have one gift, but I wanted to give another gift for someone that's really special to me."I spoke, staring down at the floor, the bigger gift in my hands. I glanced at Betty to see her with her temples resting against her fist, elbow on the armrest. She had a dull look on her face as she stared at the floor.

"I also wanted this to be the first time I've ever said this out loud, since I can never have the guts to say it at all before. And I'm also not sure if you can hear everything I'm saying right now, but if you do, just know that I'm in love with you, Betts."

Their jaws dropped—this is the real surprise. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, even Betty's. My eyes were focused on her alone, seeing her face start to light up, her cheeks tinted with a deep blush.

"You're in love with me?"Betty asked again, not believing her ears. Jughead nodded his head and smiled at her, handing her his gift. "Yeah, I do. It took a long time before I realize that I totally did, and I know you don't feel the same thing, but—"

"I love you too, Juggie."

It honestly felt like we weren't even in reality anymore. This isn't the kind of thing that happens in real life—it only does in a fictional setting.

"You do?"I asked, choking over my own words. Betty nodded as well and stood up, walking to the back of the couch she sat on, and pulled out a huge box.

"I've been meaning to give you this for Christmas, since I realized what I really felt for you. You've been there for me from the very beginning, even in the light and in the dark, no matter what."She handed him the bex, exchanging it for the gift he got for her.

"Merry Christmas, Betts."

"Merry Christmas, Juggie."


Christmas isn't over yet.

Not on my watch.


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