"You're gonna be a daddy."

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|| B. COOPER ||

When Jughead arrived, I did exactly as I told Veronica I'd do.

"Hey, babe."I greeted, wrapping my arms around him, placing a quick kiss on his lips. Jughead looked exhausted, but unlike the other nights, he came home with a huge smile on his face. I guess this is him really trying to mend things between us, to bring the way things were when we were younger, when we were nothing else but two people madly and deeply in love.

"I missed you so much."He breathed in my neck, arms tightly wrapped around me as well. His backpack was hanging low on his back, the envelope he was holding now flat on the floor. With one swift movement of his strong, muscular arms, he picked me up. With my legs tightly wrapped around his waist, he carried me into the living room, laying me down on the couch. I could feel his weight pushing me down, his body pressed against mine. I was giggling as my fingers tangled into his hair.

"You're so beautiful,"Jughead murmured with a grin before his lips pressed against my neck, his hands roaming my body. Biting my lip softly, I let out a soft moan as his lips attacked my neck, kissing all the way up my jawline before capturing my lips in a fervid kiss.

"You—are—so—beautiful."Jughead spoke in between kisses, breathing softly. I smiled up at him, eyes shining. "You know that, right?"

"Even if we get in a fight or you get home angry, you tell me that every single day."I replied, placing another kiss on his lips before gesturing for him to get off me. "How about let's sit down and eat dinner? I also baked pie."I suggested as he stood up, helping me up with him. "You know I can't turn down food, Betts."

I laughed at his words, Jughead has always been a food lover.

"Good, because I really put in a lot of effort for it."I said, walking to the kitchen to bring out the food and set in on the table, leaving Jughead to sit down by the dining table. He let out a soft chuckle, keeping his eyes on me as I carried the pasta to the table. "Did I forget soemthing today? It's not my birthday, it's not your birthday, it's definitely not our wedding anniversary because we're not married—"

"We're celebrating a new start, remember, Juggie?"I replied, smiling down at him as I sat across him. "I just wanted to start our new life...right."I added, filling our glasses with water.

"How about let's drink tonight?"Jughead offered, watching me fill my glass with water. "I'll get out the wine and wine glasses."I gave him a light smile, shaking my head. "Not tonight, Jug. I'm going alcohol-free for a while."I sighed, preventing a smile from making it's way to my face. Jughead nodded, although he clearly looked confused. "Okay...but is something wrong?"

I looked up at him, furrowing my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"I asked, pretending to be oblivious with the whole scenario. Jughead had a slight frown on his face, searching my face for an answer, but he won't be able to figure me out. "It's just that, you've always liked alcohol, you know? Even if you were miss goodie-two shoes."He replied, stuffing his mouth with pasta.

"I know, and I still do, it's just that I have to keep myself very healthy for the baby."

I kept my eyes on Jughead as I spoke. He was drinking from his glass, and as soon as he realized what I had just said he choked on his drink. "Wait, wait, wait."Jughead spoke, coughing slightly. "For who, now?"I reached over the table, holding his hand, smiling at him.

"I'm pregnant, Juggie."I said, keeping the tears from falling. "You're gonna be a daddy."

Jughead froze, a smile slowly creeping on his face. "We're gonna be parents?"he asked, and I can see tears flow freely from his eyes. I nodded and stood up, walking to him. "We're gonna be parents."

Before I could register what was happening, Jughead was on his feet, and I was spinning in the air, his hands planted on my waist. "I'm gonna be a daddy!"He proudly announced, making me laugh, my arms wrapped around him. He placed a kiss on my lips, chuckling as he set me down on the ground.

"I'm literally the happiest man alive, right now."He spoke, smiling as he cupped my cheeks. "And well...I have something to tell you too..."He spoke.

"Betty, I swear, you're the light and love of my life. And, even if we fight, you still love me, just as much as I love you."Jughead spoke, holding both of my hands in his. "You accept me for who I am, and that's one of the million reasons why I'm so madly in love with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, have this family with you, so..."

Jughead dropped on one knee, pulling out a small velvet box from the pocket of his jacket. My hands shoot straight up to cover my mouth, a gasp escaping my lips as he opened the box, revealing a stunning diamond ring.

"Elizabeth Cooper, I love you to the ends of the universe. I love you to the ends of the seven seas. I love you, by sun and by candlelight, with every breath there is in me. I'll love you forever, not even death can stop me."He declared with so much love, smiling hopefully up at me. "So I ask you, half in hope, half in desperation: will you marry me?"

Suddenly, everything around me felt like it stopped. Like it was just as and the world melted away. I grinned down at him, tackling him to the ground with a hug. "Yes!"I replied, filling his face with kisses. I stared into his eyes as he stared into mine, caressing his face softly.

This man will be the death of me."

"I'd love to marry you, Juggie."


So, I hope you like part 2 of "I'm so sick and tired of this." It took a while to publish it, but here it is!

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