"The Cooper-Jones Pact."

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No exact song for the chapter, because instead of adding the song I uploaded the "Back Again" Riverdale Season 2 promo.



Betty Cooper loves milkshakes.

She's observed the same routine every single day since she moved to New York to pursue a degree in journalism in the overrated New York University—attend her morning classes, spend her free time binge-eating and reading books in her usual booth at the Healthy Grounds Café before heading back to the campus to finish the last three hours of her classes.

Though Betty moved thousands of miles away from her hometown, Riverdale, her preppy-girl-next-door persona never changed. Even in New York she's been labelled as the perfect girl, the one every guy can only ever dream of. As much as Betty would like to believe that what they say is true, she knows that it isn't. There is a darkness inside of her, a darkness continuously irradicating her lucrative mind.

Betty's life changed ever since she moved to New York. Coming from one of her hometown's upper middle class families, Betty's never been used to sleeping in small studio apartments and commuting to university via the public train. Her way of living downgraded, but she's never really had any financial problems. With parents who run a newspaper company, she's never had to worry about running out of money or being unemployed after graduation.

But that's no how Betty wants to live her life.

She wants to spend it far away from her parents, far away from Riverdale—in New York. She wants to delete her past and completely reset her own life, which she has already started to do. She wants to be a journalist not because her parents have chosen the same path and are giving her their newspaper business, but because it's her passion. As much as possible, Betty wants her successes to be only her own, not to be shared with her parents or anyone else from her life back in Riverdale.

It was a rainy Tuesday afternoon when Betty's city life started to take an unexpected turn. She was six months deep into her freshman year of college, which meant that she was heavily burdened with school requirements demanding to be passed before the month ended. She was seated in her usual booth at the café, typing on her laptop, earphones plugged in. That day was one of the very few ones wherein the café was packed with customers, and if Betty hasn't been craving for a milkshake since she left university, she would've headed straight home for a nap.

The view from the window of Betty's usual booth was breath-taking and is one of the reasons why she loved going to the café. It ignites a flame inside her that suddenly fills her with the urge to write anything she put her mind into. As her fingers flew over the keypad of her laptop, she felt a finger tap her shoulder thrice, pleading for her attention. The blonde whipped her head around and looked up, unplugging her earphones only to come face-to-face with an ink-haired boy about her age.

He had a handsome face, no doubt about that. His greenish-grey eyes were mesmerizing, luring her into a temptation she wasn't sure she wanted to give into. He had quite a sharp jawline, and he had a thin but finely-toned upper body.

"Yes?"Betty questioned, dragging her gaze back to his eyes before he could notice that she had been staring at him for long. The boy smirked lightly at her, wanting to point out a sarcastic comment about her staring at him for too long, but instead he nodded his head towards the empty seat across her. "Is that seat taken?"He asked, holding onto the strap of his backpack slung on one shoulder.

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